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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. 5 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

     id much rather see the massive funding of such a lazer array ( though now that I think about it such a thing could double as a orbital debris solution. ) go to projects in our backyard. Our solar system.

    Unfortunately creating a laser powerful enough to tackle Kessler syndrome would most likely upset every other space going country and look a lot like a missile defence system.

  2. I support both sides of the argument for these reasons - Beginners with no understanding of orbital mechanics (as I used to be) have a steep enough learning curve without having their crew die of starvation on their first flight to Duna.  Most veterans are using house rules to make the game more difficult and life support can help this.

    If it could be implemented as a Game Mode (sandbox, science, career, hardcore mode) I think most people would be happy and not conflicted by turning off such a feature in any other game mode.

  3. I believe @cupcake is the VTOL master. 



    Try looking there for some inspiration, mate.

    Also the asymmetrical flameout issue is more than likely related to the intakes and how KSP "sees" them related to the engines.  If you have Kerbal Engineer Redux you can monitor air in while flying - you may not have enough intakes or one engine may be hogging them.

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