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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. Quote

    'Irreversible' damage

    The results showed that long-duration astronauts had significantly greater post-flight increases in the volume of CSF within the bony cavity of the skull that holds the eye, and also in the volume of CSF in the cavities of the brain where the fluid is produced.

    The sample size is small, and the results have not yet appeared in a peer-reviewed journal. But Prof Alperin says the research points to a "primary and direct role of the CSF in the globe deformations seen in astronauts with visual impairment syndrome".

    "If the ocular structural deformations are not identified early, astronauts could suffer irreversible damage," he said, "as the eye globe becomes more flattened, the astronauts become hyperopic, or far-sighted."

    Prof Alperin has received a $600,000 grant from Nasa to study the condition.

    He outlined the findings at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in Chicago.


  2. You get more science per experiment the further away from Kerbin you are.
    If you have a scientist onboard you can reset the Science Jr and Mysterygoo experiments.  Any Kerbal can remove the other experiments and they don't need to be reset.  You can go from one biome with a scientist and take the data from these experiments and store them in a capsule or the new data storage module.  Then you move to the next biome and repeat.

  3. 11 hours ago, LordFerret said:

    In other news:
    For the time being, I cannot post any more Imgur images. It seems Imgur has blocked all email accounts from the domain I use from uploading images. Imgur claims this was done because of excessive spam coming from the domain in question. No time has been given as to how long this will last. This is as per one of the Imgur Support Reps. I personally, doubt this very highly as the domain in question has a very long outstanding track record. Anyone else with similar Imgur problems within the past two weeks, I'd be interested in hearing about.

    I have 2 accounts that I cannot upload to at the moment.

  4. I'm not sure why you can't test the spark - are you trying to fit it to the skipper powered rocket?  If so that is why you are having a problem.  The game lets you test parts above your current tech level.  This part will be available to you until you actually test it.  Once you have tested it it reverts back to it's tech node and won't be available until you unlock the node or get another test part contract.  Hope this helps.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Emperor of the Titan Squid said:

    That would be rally cool, but it will take them a long time to get to the moon.

    Quess satellite launched this year - the first attempt to use quantum encryption for secure sat coms.
    Chang'e 4 - a mission to land on the dark side of the moon, scheduled for launch in 2018.
    Tiangong 2 and 3 - a program that will give China a 3rd generation space station.
    This past year China had 19 successful space launches, Russia 26 and America 18.
    All this with an estimated budget far less than NASA.
    China can also commercialise on the fact that US foreign policy precludes more than half the world from using their aerospace services.

    "China sees space capability as an indication of global leadership status.  It gives China legitimacy in an area that has great global power." John Logson, founder of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University.

    I think the US will figure out it needs to get to Mars to stay #1 and that means Orion and SLS are the best option "on the shelf" for rapid advance of their program.

  6. 4 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

     just why will you use cheat codes? it will ruin the game for you! !WARNING! I WILL SOUND LIKE SOME REALLY STUPID GUY YOU ALL PROBABLY HATE, FOR THE NEXT SENTENCE! The journey is half the fun!

    The ability to hack gravity is probably the most useful feature of the cheat menu in that you can use it on kerbin to simulate other bodies during lander, aircraft and rover building and testing.

  7. 9 hours ago, Jackelmyer said:

    One other question.  Is there any reason why a rovers wheels will occasionally switch it's steering direction?  I built this Rover in the VAB as part of my rocket design and build.  For whatever reason, after switching wheel directions to get everything running and turning correctly, a couple wheels will randomly invert steering and the rover gets stuck pigeon toed.  

    I have somewhat the same problem - I built a refuelling rover in the VAB and that has the same issue as you.  On the same mission I built another rover in the SPH and added it to the vessel.  The SPH rover steers just fine so I'm assuming it has to do with symmetry.  I tried a fix where I added wheels in the VAB individually and this helped a little but it still occasionally requires steering to be inverted on some wheels to avoid pigeon-toeing.

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