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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. I would love to see more video tutorials on using assists.

    50 minutes ago, Ty Tan Tu said:

    I will second that. I have a miner on Minmus, but it is a one shot design. Once the tank is full, my ship can transfer it to the ship orbiting Minmus, but after that the miner is useless. What are you suppose to do? Build a rover with a large tank that can dock with both the miner and a transport?


    This is an older pic but I still use this basic design to build fuel rovers.

  2. @AdmFranzvonHippie Please don't lose heart or interest in the game.

    It is quite common for people to post without reading a complete thread.

    There are other players here who have physical limitations that also use mechjeb out of necessity and there are a great many more who use the mod to cut down on the grind factor after thousands of launches.  There is also a mod called kOS that adds a scriptable autopilot function (It's not updated to 1.2.1 but I'm sure it will be).

    If you love to build there are many advanced techniques that you will discover and hopefully you might invent some of your own.  The creativity of other players never ceases to amaze me.

    KSP is a single player game and as such is an individual experience for every player so no-one should be telling you how to play your game.


  3. 40 minutes ago, kBob said:

    The ability to have randomly generated solar systems (as an alternative to the current Kerbol system).  With various controls like min/max number of different planet types moons etc. sizes of various planet types and so on (don't want to get detailed here).  These would be for people who want a new solar system after becoming tired of the default current one which would still be available of course.

    This is a WIP:


  4. I prefer modular as opposed to reusable systems. 

    If I am building an interplanetary drive module for a mother-ship going to Duna then I will leave that module in orbit on return.  Any other missions returning to Kerbin will de-fuel into the IP module before de-orbiting on RCS.

    Base and station contracts are built in the same way to add habitation and science modules.

    Reuse is better than recovery IMHO.

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