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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. I do a Duna flyby once per career save and as Starhawk mentions it's a little different to a flyby in Kerbins SOI in that it takes some maneuvering to get back home. Usually I do the flyby, set kerbin as a target and wait a full solar orbit before making a node that intercepts kerbin. This method is fairly cheap on Dv but usually means a high speed encounter so I try to plan my burn without using any prograde component (radial in/out) and try to encounter kerbin as far from solar Pe as is reasonable. Another method I have read about but not tried is to burn for Eve after the Duna encounter and use the assist to lower your solar Ap closer to kerbins orbit. Edit: I just read your reply and it seems as if you need a resonant orbit.
  2. I though you guys might get a kick out of this flight track of an Adelaide pilot running in a new engine: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-20/bored-adelaide-pilot-leaves-message-on-flight-radar/10829262
  3. Insight is now providing a daily weather report online.
  4. If we're going by Hollywood examples, most American vehicles seem to be built out of TNT and solid gasoline.
  5. The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), a radio telescope located at Effelsberg in the Netherlands has detected hundreds of thousands of previously unknown galaxies. Official Website: http://www.lofar.org/ LOFAR Image Gallery: https://www.lofar-surveys.org/gallery_preview.html LOFAR Information: https://www.astron.nl/lofar-telescope/lofar-telescope and https://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/en/lofar LOFAR station, shown from 50 m above ground. In front: LOFAR lowband antennas (LBA) for 10-80 MHz, in the back: LOFAR highband antennas (HBA) for 110-240 MHz © W. Reich/MPIfR
  6. Don't put yourself down too much, Mate. We all started out as new users. When it comes to most things in KSP I'm often reminded of the Dr Fink quote from the Simpsons: "It should be obvious to the most dimwitted individual....who holds an advanced degree in hyperbolic topology".
  7. Welcome to the forum, @SpaceCarmelo. As the forum is a big place, you could also post your offer in the add-on discussions sub forum where it would be more visible to all the great modders.
  8. There is no difference in the game, just the update routine.
  9. Welcome @jnbspace. I've got the steam version - the only thing to be aware of are automatic updates that can ruin your save if you are running mods although it's possible and easy to copy the entire game out of the default steam directory to make a modded install immune to update breakage blues.
  10. Welcome to the forum, @VQkr.
  11. "Try not. Do! Or do not. There is no try." Master Yoda
  12. I'm happy I was able to help, Mate. Enjoy that 4k action.
  13. Apparently you can also use an Engineer part from the science tab to give you this data without the above steps. ER7500 includes build + flight engineer. Chip #1 includes build + flight engineer.
  14. Any level of engineer will do, upgrading the tracking station to level 3 will give you the KER data on any vessel, including probes and even without an engineer on manned missions.
  15. Kerbal Engineer Redux does and mechjeb should have all the information you need. Using KER, select your target, either a vessel or planet/moon and click on the RDZV (rendezvous) tab. You should see all the parameters including distance, target Ap/Pe, time to An/Dn, best time for transfer and relative inclination. It's a really useful tool that lets you stay in the flight screen but still have all the data displayed. Other functions I use include Surface data to give me the ground angle and accurate altitude when landing and heat data when I'm aerobraking or mining. You should be able to get just about anything you need on the flight screen with either of these mods.
  16. Welcome to the forum, @securityinstruts. Kerbalx is a great site specifically built for uploading and sharing KSP craft files that many of us use. I can't help with the Linux problem but you might have more luck posting your issue here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/69-technical-support-pc-unmodded-installs/ As to 'if this question is needed' then yes if you need information. It might also be useful for other members new to the forum.
  17. Welcome to the forum, @Grogs. You can always justify the loss of free time as an education experience (it works for me).
  18. @Lankspace The only workaround I can think of is installing Kerbal Engineer Redux (or mechjeb apparently - but I have no experience with it) as the information windows on KER can be rescaled by opening a parameter (Orbit {ORBT} is the default for Ap Pe info), clicking edit, select category: miscellaneous, scroll to GUI size adjuster and click install. You should see some left/right arrows at the bottom of the data box that will rescale the KER UI. Using the same edit function you can add Ap and Pe data to any of the presets (I add them to vessel {VSL} so I get Dv and orbital parameters in the same window). The problem with this is you either need an engineer on board or a fully upgraded tracking station to get the KER data.
  19. It should be noted that this is part of a Broad Agency Announcement to seek proposals from industry to fit this framework with the industry responses due March 25. NASA hopes to make awards in May to allow the six-month studies to begin by July. Other architectures may be considered but will be put to the side until these proposals are evaluated. It seems like NASA is moving way too fast on this, considering one of the expediency measures in the document refer to only crew rating the actual lander and not the complete ascent/descent system.
  20. A processed video of Juno's 21st December 2018 Perijove-17 Jupiter flyby.
  21. Welcome to the forum, @Weazer67. 1.6.1 is the current version and Squad's plan is to release an update every 3 months. The announcements sub-forum is where you will see update status news and you can see previews in the daily kerbal sub-forum. I'm a steam user so I can't help you with info about the KSP website but I'm sure someone will be along soon that can.
  22. A graphic showing how SPHEREx will work from the paper now linked in the OP.
  23. The launch vehicle is unknown at this time. Earlier reporting on the 3 competing proposals mention a $50 million budget for the launcher.
  24. @AbacusOnKSP - what glitch are you interested in exploring? Some still exist and we are a helpful lot - perhaps we can replicate what you wish to explore.
  25. NASA's Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) has released its annual report and makes for some interesting reading regarding the new heat shield design for Orion.
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