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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Does anyone know if the BFR come equipped with Vicodin in the med bay? According to my wife Karl Lagerfeld is the most essential person on my list. Now that's a great choice.
  2. The first manned BFR luna tourist mission will take 6-8 artists, who's seats are paid for by Yusaku Maezawa in an effort to inspire humanity as was announced by Elon Musk today. I was interested to see who other members would consider to be able to produce something interesting and inspiring. I never though about poetry, silly me.
  3. So which artists would you take to inspire humanity? Assuming a mix of genres, for me it would be: Banksy - Visual Art Norah Jones - Music Mikhail Baryshnikov - Dancing Karl Lagerfeld - Fashion Dave Chappelle - Comedy Ron Howard - Film
  4. Welcome to the forum, @band_boyscout. It might help to know your current level of play before we slug you with the hard stuff.
  5. Greetings guys, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a Linux sub forum to support. I am not a user however I have seen a few requests for assistance, both general and game related, and there is no good place to direct people to who are experiencing issues. The result I have seen is that while we have a group of highly knowledgeable and helpful members, linux help requests are spread across the forum.
  6. G'day Mate, As a trekkie and a KSP lover I am sad to see you feel this way. The human mind is the most powerful processing tool but sometimes, especially when we are younger, it is our enemy - particularly when we are being self critical and the internet, while it has great places like this forum, can be somewhat of a cesspool when it comes to behavior. Comments made online are rarely the same comments you would get talking face to face with someone as there is far less accountability in the internet world, also some individuals are just trolls for their own entertainment. Haters are always going to hate. I'm 46 and I still do and say things I regret but I own up to my mistakes and get on with life - this is how we grow and mature as individuals.
  7. @drhay53, there is an option in admin that does that: Public relations / open source tech program - be advised it requires 2000 science points to convert 100% science to rep. Edit: The admin building also needs to be fully upgraded before you can convert 100%.
  8. Welcome to the forum, @Ray Gott. Also not a linux user however I will attempt to bring some assistance by invoking @Green Baron or @LordFerret in to assist you.
  9. Congratulations! This is how I go interplanetary: 1. Leave or return in the transfer window as linked above. 2. Plot and burn a course to your destination. 3. (I think this is where you are having problems) When you are half way to your target perform a course adjustment: Create a maneuver node 10 or 20 minutes ahead of your vessel - just place it without changing anything. Then click on your target and select focus view - this will change your view to the destination and should show your plotted course in the sphere of influence of your destination. Rotate your view until you can see both the path through the SOI and the node you just created and you can now use that node to plan and execute a burn that will bring you close to your intended orbit or even into an atmosphere for aerobraking. The course adjustment is usually very cheap on Dv and you get savings by doing your capture burn nearer your destination planet/moon (benefiting from the Oberth effect). 4. Profit!
  10. Also not a physicist but 5 dimensions sounds like the Kaluza–Klein theory, an early precursor to string theory.
  11. The debug menu has some pretty good options as an alternative to hyperedit.
  12. I haven't used CKAN personally but I would assume the answer is no. Manually installing mods is fairly simple in KSP. No worries, Mate.
  13. Yes. It will still update your original steam install however the new Galileo install will be immune to game breaking update blues . Its always a good idea to have heavily modded games outside of steams update regime.
  14. Basically you navigate to the KSP folder (usually found in steamapps) and copy the entire folder to another location (or you can use a search function to find the KSP root folder) - then go into the saves sub folder and delete everything besides scenarios and training. Install Galileo and any required dependencies and game on. Doing this will stop steam updating the Galileo install and still leave your stock game intact in its original location.
  15. Personally, I would create a new instance of KSP outside of steam (if you're using it) and set that up as a standalone Galileo save by deleting everything in the KSP saves folder besides scenarios and training.
  16. Not that I don't think a scientific payload is a worthy ideal, it's just that this has never been done by a amateur group before so I believe any attempt should use as little mass as possible.
  17. The sequel, 2010, has a plotline that revolves around deteriorating diplomacy between Soviet and US governments.
  18. Welcome to the forum, @anoldgrumpytroll. Not a mac user myself however this is the thread you probably need:
  19. 20 125mm^2 solar cells @2.8W (18% efficiency) only gives us 56W and that's if they're all seeing sunlight. Power is going to be a big issue.
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