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Everything posted by Eveeloo

  1. I am English, but I live in spain. So that's a little offensive.
  2. Well, you say what you say I say what I say. What I'm saying is, why do you care what I'm saying and not what your saying?
  3. Why are we talking about Pluto this topics about Planet-X
  4. Yes Pluto is 50% 50% each right now.
  5. Today I launched the IKSS and it was a success I got into an oval orbit of Kerbin so it's in space now! I hope to land it on Kerbin again soon. To see the picture click here.
  6. Today I launched the IKSS {International Kerbal Space Station} and it was a success! The picture is here.
  7. I've heard about Planet-X, which means there's 10 planets in our solar system since Pluto is basically a planet again. There's just a few things that I am wondering about it, how can it orbit the sun?, because it's a few billion miles out there. What color is it? and why did we not know about it?...
  8. I think Kerbin should look better, trees, cities, clouds, cars, boats, people, animals etc. because I mean on the whole world there's only one structure the KSC. I know this be one of the hardest mod/addon to make, but Kerbin just looks ugly it needs buildings and trees and all that. Just my suggestion - KerbalSpace AKA KerbalSpace337 or taylosaur
  9. Ok, I'm building one now anyway, {In the DEMO} I'll put the link here when I'm finished.
  10. Sí puedo hablar Español también. No, it says, I think i speak enough to feel happy. I can speak more Spanish than most of the other non-natives.
  11. Today I was thinking what would kerbals speak and I know a few words: Hello: Jönğş (Joa-ngv-sz) Bye: Çonü (Son-au) Yes: Ontåv (On-toav) No: Fontç (Fonts) Keep coming to learn more kerblish.
  12. Es un anuncio. voy a poner el link allí tan pronto como he hecho.
  13. Nope, me neither no planet landings, well when I tried to land on the mün, I um, ended um, orbiting the sun um, yeah, um.
  14. Trying to get the rocket that doesn't like to orbit to orbit. Well I don't think the design works, even though it flies perfectly.
  15. "Átomo" Un Vídeo: Estoy trabajando en un vídeo llamado "Átomo". La idea es, Jebediah no puede esperar a ir a las estrellas, pero él no sabe que él no va al espacio.... Esto va ser mi primer vídeo, por lo que no se va ser muy bueno... El vídeo se llama "Átomo" en Español "Atom" en Inglés y "Atome" en Francés. Gracias swjr-swis para la ayuda!
  16. Ok it's mint ice-cream but, why haven't they sent a mission to collect it and bring it to Kerbin. Then Señor Fatso (Mr. Ftopåncloyöm Dåpt) can eat it while he works in mission control.
  17. KSP Fan Works II: This is a place to share your: drawings, computer art, paintings, models, videos, cinematics, screenshots & more. So get on your KSP caps and start drawing! I will be putting my pictures, videos, etc. on here, and you can put yours. I am working on this cinematic called "Atom".
  18. Well it isn't but it's Kerbal
  19. I think Minmus is an irregular shaped moon orbiting Kerbin, it is made of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen which makes the ice and the snow from the Big Bang's leftovers - {snow and ice}. It stays cold because it's always on the dark side of Kerbin. Even though I told the kerbals Minmus is made of ice-cream.
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