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Choice // SLOTH Airlines

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Everything posted by Choice // SLOTH Airlines

  1. What? I am a store user, and i wanted 1.1.2.. So i used patcher, now my crafts are missing "Small gear" and suddenly the small landing gear is back to the one from 1.0.5, i thought Squad exterminated that gear!? Also in the readme file it says "Version: 1.0.5" and yeah.. Its a modded install, and i have updated modulemanager.. (also it now won't load.. It freezes on a b9 aerospace part)
  2. I only have my mac here atm, and in 1.0.5 there was not much lag in lowest resolution and lowest graphics. But now in 1.1, ksp is almost unplayable, still lowest settings.. :/ I hoped there would be better performance in 1.1 on my mac, but nope.. Doesn't work for me It's an old mac book from 2009, 256 mb vram, 4gb ram and intel core 2 duo
  3. The kerbal, look at the blue logo underneath his head.. ITS DAS VALDEZĀ“ LOGO!!
  4. Nice plane! ;-) That is a really interesting challenge yes. Would make it a bit more realistic and challenging True! Nice pictures :-)
  5. Yup! Me too, haven't tried it, as i bought ksp on the ksp store.. But it's great to actually see the kerbals sailing down to their doom landing :-)
  6. @Captain Marksie I suppose "Airlines" on the leaderboards is me? :3 Well.. May you change to "Choice"? As my name is not airlines :-)
  7. May i fly in the air behind the hype train trying to land on top of the hype train with my "HyPePlAnE 1.1"? Well, i don't have a ticket though
  8. I wanted to create this topic because i want to see your pictures of flying a plane in night time, you can also share the craft file if you want to :-) I want to see pictures like these ones: http://imgur.com/a/vIR5o If i posted the topic in the wrong spot, just move it (i'm new to this forum, but been playing ksp since 2013)
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