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  1. I can't imagine there'd be any objection—the craft files aren't redistributing any of the mod's assets, and AFAIK, none of the craft on KerbalX have explicit permission from the makers of the mod that created them. (That'd clog the works up, I'd imagine)
  2. I took the out the old Lander and Probe Pack (about 7 years old, now) "Valkyrie" out for a spin in 1.12. It actually still works, mostly. Although I realize now, looking at the screenshot, that it looks oddly like it's flipping off the sunrise. "Do not go gentle into that good light"?
  3. Oh indeed, I think I've had that installed for almost or just as long as FASA, I'm just a sucker for the classics...or a stubborn old cuss who doesn't like change. Either-or.
  4. Just something I've been tinkering with in my spare time, and hopefully a Thanksgiving treat for some: a collection "rebuilt" FASA craft files, that work with the version of FASA I've got running on 1.12, which seem to at least get around the loading problems from the old FASA craft files floating around, that I've found or used from old KSP versions. https://imgur.com/gallery/oKOOzZj You'll note that many of these parts look "chromey"—that's thanks to Textures Unlimited and Magpie Mods, but needed a bit of fiddling to make work—you'll have to, if I remember my workflow right, trim out the (no longer functional) ReflectiveShaderModule code out of the FASA part that needs to be shiny, and remove the entry from the Magpiemods/TU_Cfgs/FASAlite.cfg for the FASA parts that you DON'T want to be shiny, or as you see, you'll get a gleaming mirror sheen on the parts that are painted white, and a dull gloss at best on the parts that are supposed to be gleaming chrome. I haven't bothered to do this on all the FASA parts personally I use, yet, and leave that as an exercise for others to try, themselves. These craft files also include a Saturn V with a CSM/LEM stack—IIRC, the later versions of FASA dropped this, for various reasons, and I think I imported it back into my own setup from an old copy, so those Craft files might not work on other people's install. So, I've included subassembly files of the "guts" of a Saturn V and Nova from the sections aft of the LEM attachment, so you can puzzle around and cobble together a substitute LEM, if you need or see fit. Also, the Big G parachutes are, it seems, totally inadequate for a survivable landing. I've been having some luck replacing them with KNES paraglider chutes, personally, but I'll leave that to other people to try for themselves, or get used to bailouts or expendable Kerbonauts. Download
  5. A slightly odd request, but one that didn't seem to have come up, yet, when searching the thread...would it be possible to add a ribbon for Kerbal diving EVAs? That is, making an EVA underwater, on the seabed of a planet/moon with water. Maybe with the cutoff/cheaty definition of "making an EVA at '-500 m' altitude," to be expedient. This is actually perfectly possible for a Kerbal to do, last time I checked, by using KIS to have them carry sufficient "ballast," like a concrete block, to weigh 'em down.
  6. Heck, that's what kick motors and/or laser sails are for!
  7. Well, if you want to do a ground-based variant, there's always the smaller, lower-tech approach of a Babylon Gun... Or the LARGER, but possibly even LOWER tech approach of the Babcock & Wilcox Steam/Hydrogen Gun (Patent here). 100 gs of acceleration for two seconds, and dumping 28,000 TONS of water from condensed steam downrange. A respectably Kerbal design!
  8. Heh! Luckily, I'm a bit of a data packrat, and I kept an old copy in my archives: [Download link removed by moderator]
  9. Had an extended few days off, so I built a Sundiver probe. Now, I've done one or two of these in the past—elaborate, multi-ton, Ion-drive probes that required a manned Mun base to mine, refine, fuel, assemble, and launch, and a slingshot maneuver around Jool, all of which required in-game years of effort and flight time, and lots of careful planning... However, I didn't really feel like spending that much time, so I just went with a direct launch. Thank you, Sea Dragon! https://imgur.com/a/VfW4ewW Atmospheric plasma sheath seen below...shortly before probe destruction.
  10. Having the smaller Wasserfall engine around would be handy for some odder pseudo-historical missions. (That, or some nice Schmidding SG34s)
  11. Good news! With some larger Pykeberg models, and some experimentation with strut attachments, I've gotten reasonably reliable results in depositing a berg-mounted Orion at sea and launching it into orbit without ripping it apart! (This would, admittedly, probably have been a lot easier if I used more than a judicious and well-timed Hyperedit click to get it over the water, but hey...baby steps.) The bad news, however...I keep running into the same bug as the sub-launch Orion experiments did, in which KSP considers even the orbiting Orion "moving over terrain," disabling saving, time warping, switching to other vessels, etc., and not even drawing the trajectory/orbit line, plus an odd "trembling" camera. I suspect this has to do with the fact that a decoupler was attached to the bottom of the drive plate to attach it to the Pykeberg—which might be peculiarly tricking the sim into thinking the spacecraft is still "attached" to a part still on the surface, or possibly already atomized—this doesn't seem to occur with a conventional spacecraft (like a Saturn V) launched the same way. Ah, well. As Monty Burns said, "continue the research." And there are still a few things I can think of that I can do on my end to work around the problem. But that'll have to be a project for another night. Time fer dinner, and a good night's sleep.
  12. Right album, but just a proof of concept—the prototype, as it is, is, alas, just a bit too small and narrow to support the 14000 ton Orion I was testing with. (It was 4000 tons too heavy. 10000 tons works, no problem.) I should have a proper Mk. 2 with an Orion launch up, soonish.
  13. Well, good news! After a bit of tinkering, I think I may just have licked the problem of providing an Orion Sea-Launch Platform with the appropriate intersection of capacity, durability, affordability, and expendability... I'm calling it the "Pykeberg." "... be utterly amazed, for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told!" Merely the prototype, of course. The production Pykeberg will be somewhat larger, and have a vent hole in the center. As well as being less tippy.
  14. Oh, certainly, to be sure. And in fact, in an "operational" mission, I'd merely* planned to ascend to the surface using floats, and engage the engine in the air. But, considering the amount of trouble and frustration I'd been having, I figured, well, in for the penny, in for the frothy, irradiated pound. *"?"
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