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  1. it has a parachute so i can see what will happen when it falls slowly
  2. until the day the I can hook it on to the kraken, no. also pic
  3. Papahemmy


    just spent the past 30 minutes building a pole 1.3 kilometers tall. thats all im saying
  4. OOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooooH This will be fun!
  5. Is the history thing going to added to the game or will it be downloadable content? (plz be added to the game)
  6. All I did was send a aircraft to eve via orbital spawn, and when I was attempting to land, my ship flipped out. So then I reset back to KSC and saw this... So I have reason to think that I crashed into an Invisible air Kraken that got enraged and tore apart chunk of kerbin that KSC rests. However when I loaded in a new ship to explore the torn up land *pop* everything is back normal. What are your thoughts on the subject? ( FWI the game was not modded at the time)
  7. Squad is testing the game to work with over languages. So that the game can be played in other nations.
  8. YES!! NO MORE WHEEL BLOCKING!! it was so annoying having to teak my wheels so they work!
  9. YOUNG KERBALS @@### DOES NoT &&&####5%6&&&*((*&^%4 cOMPuTE !@#!@$&*()(*&^%-*&^%$####@#%^*(*&^%$#@#$%^&*()%$#@)))))
  10. YES COLORED LIGHTS!! Bob is now the owner of the most "hip" Disco club ever built on Kerbin.
  11. Who needs rotors? I build a Helicopter with only stock parts!
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