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Everything posted by OndrikB

  1. Also btw. I wanna make a dres space program, this log part has proably something to do with it: [WRN 18:03:27.085] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Bin' [LOG 18:03:27.556] [CelestialBody]: Bin's solar day length is 1d, 0h, 0m long. sidereal day length is 5h, 59m, 9s long [LOG 18:03:27.587] [Kopernicus]: Post-Spawn [LOG 18:03:27.589] Found max distance 113549713200 [LOG 18:03:27.598] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun [ERR 18:03:27.671] PSystemSetup: Cannot find PQS of name 'Kerbin'!
  2. I have found out that the mod is not indexed in CKAN.
  3. I have bumped into this mod randomly and i kinda like it, but could you make a "lite" version of this (toggleable modules or reduced propabilities) for starters? Thanks in advance. EDIT: Does this support RemoteTech? Keep breathing, OndrikB
  4. If i understood correctly, you can't undock when in orbit around the Mün, can you?
  5. Will there be toggle-able options for all these things please? Also BTW: It is not in CKAN
  6. The EVA view does not work There is no "activate camera" button
  7. KSP 1.1 64bit sucks. It literally has more fps, but sometimes upon separation, the game suddenly freezes and the "KSP_x64.exe stopped responding" window pops up. AND in the log, the game does not "remember" the separation what caused the freeze. In 32bit, i got 1 crash, (KSP crash), but only 1 of these stopped responding crashes. On 64bit, i lost count of these freezecrashes EDIT: Have a screenshot (it is in german, but a windows user gets the drill) http://imgur.com/edHYvMP
  8. It's not. The game kept on loading for ever and this is from the log: [ERR 17:10:43.461] [Kopernicus]: Could not find built-in texture AerialRampKerbin [LOG 17:10:43.646] [OD] Adding for body Kerbin map named Laythe_Height (G) for Kerbin of path = LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png [LOG 17:10:43.691] [OD] Adding for body Kerbin map named Laythe_Height (G) for Kerbin of path = LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png [LOG 17:10:43.889] [OD] Map LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png enabling self. Path = LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png [LOG 17:10:44.044] [OD] Map LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png enabling self. Path = LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png [WRN 17:10:44.061] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Kerbin(Clone)' [WRN 17:10:44.063] CelestialBodyTransform: Cannot find CelestialBody. [ERR 17:10:44.073] [PQS Error]: Sphere target is null! [LOG 17:10:44.143] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Core' from assembly 'scatterer' [LOG 17:10:44.155] [Scatterer] Detected Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dumx.dll] [LOG 17:10:44.156] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'renderTypeFixer' from assembly 'scatterer' [LOG 17:10:44.422] Agent: Found 18 agent mentality types [LOG 17:10:44.426] AgentList: 27 agents parsed and loaded. [LOG 17:10:44.475] UIMasterController: HideUI [EXC 17:10:44.483] InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object System.Linq.Enumerable.First[CelestialBody] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) System.Linq.Enumerable.First[CelestialBody] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) Kopernicus.Components.KSC.Start () [ERR 17:10:44.488] [PQS]: PQS already marked as started during Start() method. This is probably wrong! [ERR 17:10:44.490] [PQS]: PQS already marked as started during Start() method. This is probably wrong! [EXC 17:10:44.492] InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object System.Linq.Enumerable.First[PSystemBody] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) System.Linq.Enumerable.First[PSystemBody] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) Kopernicus.Components.Scatter.Start () [WRN 17:10:44.553] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'GregSux' [LOG 17:10:44.947] [CelestialBody]: GregSux's solar day length is 1d, 0h, 0m long. sidereal day length is 5h, 59m, 9s long [LOG 17:10:44.977] [Kopernicus]: Post-Spawn [LOG 17:10:44.980] Found max distance 113549713200 [LOG 17:10:44.988] [Kopernicus]: StarLightSwitcher: Set active star => Sun [ERR 17:10:45.060] PSystemSetup: Cannot find PQS of name 'Kerbin'! [LOG 17:11:44.122] [OD] map LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png disabling self. Path = LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png [LOG 17:11:44.122] [OD] map LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png disabling self. Path = LaytheSpaceProgram/PluginData/Laythe_Height.png [EXC 17:18:14.120] NullReferenceException PQS.ResetSphere () PQS.ResetSphere () PQS.OnDestroy ()
  9. I normally put the following code in there: Planet, Biome, ...th landing (on body), ...th mission, ...th craft built in ... test runs polished for [Kerbal] to plant this flag on [IRL Y-D-M date] Example: Minmus, Greater Flats, 1st landing, 5th mission, 7th craft built in 5 test runs polished for Jebediah "Jeb" Kerman to plant this flag on 2016-04-22
  10. something for moho, just like the dresteroid belt in 1.0
  11. and it is not liftoff, it is update AKA: UPDATE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE
  12. WOW, we are at page number of latest release (page 105 = 1.0.5)
  13. there also seems to be a cap when you look closely.... (new merch?)
  14. ksp logo, mun, female kerbal with headphones... wait something just underneath the helmet
  15. math: puzzle: 8*4 pieces 16 min ago: 2/24 pcs revealed 6 min ago: 7/24 revealed, total 9 EDIT: new piece revealing 2 pcs, total 11
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