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Everything posted by OndrikB

  1. Even the geniusses at CERN and the monitors at Kourou use this font, why can't I then?
  2. To pass time off, i decided to make a "Near Future" parts pack.... for 0.13.3 EDIT: Yes, i AM using the new parts from... say... 1.0 EDIT2: nope, does not work
  3. Hyyyyyyyyyyyyyype!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hype On for the Turbo Charged Update!!
  4. ik what you talking about - this: and this: About 24 (Against SPH): Rematch in 0.25 what planet? we are in metaspace, you forgot? the only thing i would destroy is the release brick wall!
  5. @GregroxMun, permission to attach girders to the front of the hype train so that it survives the impact at the 1.1 release wall? (otherwise it won't be ready for KSP 1.2)
  6. KSP 1.1 should be named... [comms lost] [comms back again], forgot the name. What name should the KSP 1.1 update have in YOUR opinion?
  7. That will take me forever to calculate, but at least i have somthing to kill my time. EDIT: Calculator says ERROR. So i have to multiply 299792458 89875517873681764-times with 299792458 BY HAND.
  8. I had a conversation with the HypeKraken, who broke our NavBall. The speed is cc, and the train will not stop until it gets to the brick wall of KSP 1.1 Release
  9. Could you make like an alien space program generator just like Sigma88 has made an universal rescale mod? (it doesn't need to be in-game)
  10. Any way to make this compatible with Alternis Real Solar System?
  11. 1 hint to everybody using this with Little Green Men from Mars: Play from the India Launch Site (Equatorial and not below or above the ground)
  12. currently about cc, but nobody can tell exactly because space krakens broke all instruments.
  13. Also, do you have any warp-drive recommendations? The Stand-Alone one by RoverDude takes too long.
  14. Do the Sigma OPM Mods (recolor, tilt etc) work with GN?
  15. Well, how I would like it: Publish 1.1 with all REALLY REALLY SERIOUS bugs fixed and Publish a secret patch more and more bugs fixed, wawe-wise.
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