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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Ok, If my missils are instead not in a cargo bay, but a bay formed by control surfaces, I assume there is no way to tell the AI to deploy the control surfaces, correct?
  2. I have a question: So, if the missiles are mounted internally, does the AI know that? If so, would it open the cargo bay and thus fire the missile?
  3. Question: What do you mean by dry flighttime?
  4. Banned for being part of the Orion Program. Seriously, why did you sign up?
  5. Because you trespassed into the neighbor's lawn Why was I shot by the security people of Donald Trump after crossing the border?
  6. Granted, but everybody doubleposts Granted, but everybody doubleposts I wish I could live in an air fortress that cannot crash.
  7. Cool! I'm curious, what's inside?
  8. Because Chuck Norris fathered Death. Who are jeb's parents?
  9. Cats are dogs and you are a lego. Why are kerbals green?
  10. Because Chuck Norris. Why do we call a laptop a laptop?
  11. Granted, but your planes don't I wish for a world with dinosaurs that dont eat us.
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