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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Sign me up for the airforce! Engineers have built a deathtrap VTOL plane for the MKA. Dubbed the KAS-31 Frogger Includes: An IVA view and Missles! (that could be improved) Album(copy and paste not working): http://imgur.com/a/OKnex
  2. Mosquito 5 Engineers say its a plane, but it was probably first a paper plane Time to Island: 2.45 Minutes Mass: 1.143 Tons 50 - (1.143(3) + 2.45) = 44.121 IMAGES
  3. Hello. Simple question. In the aero forces overlay, there are light blue aero forces, not the ones from wings. These have sometimes screwed me over. What do these represent?
  4. I do think the scoring should be better, as in more precise... A formula, such as (Fuel Units)+(Top Speed (m/s))/(Turn time in seconds)+(time to 7km in seconds)), but better balanced And for the multiengine bomber, penalize the number of engines too
  5. -26 (-) I will give you a cookies @TedwinKnockman66 COME JOIN US
  6. Very simple idea. When it is "night" as measured by the game clock, have the scenery from inside the VAB/SPH also be night, like the outside. Images to illustrate point: http://imgur.com/a/23XvK This would be a small thing, but I think it would be nice.
  7. Yeah, sorry. Forgot the negative Should be -25
  8. He had a video in the other post
  9. Wonder if he has a wife named Fries Kerman
  10. 2/10 Cool, but not confusing I dont play Kerbal Space program, but do have extensive experience with gameplay
  11. 6/10 Seen you quite a bit in forum games
  12. Single Engined fighter: Mouse Top Speed: 270 m/s Fuel capacity of 180 units Time to 7000 m: 3 minutes 20 seconds Turn time (180 degrees): 7 seconds http://imgur.com/a/nbEWq "Slightly" unstable. Side effects of piloting include nausea, dizziness, coma, and death. Can seat 1 crew member
  13. Wait - so are pilots required? Yes or no? Since earlier, you said they were.
  14. Yay! Now kerbals, an advanced spacefaring civilization will be safer on the ground! (or space)
  15. Ok. Also, cool plane. But is it worth the 13 minute travel time for the lightness? And I think imgur is being screwy with everyone.
  16. What exactly do you mean by clipping landing gear with the ant or spider? Also, I like to use the i-beams as landing gear for small aircraft. Works fairly well and also loses the landing gear.
  17. Yes. https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/Mosquito Also, Craft weighs actually 1.604 tons, not 1.58. Score should be 41.22 I also made an improved version. https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/Mosquito-3 Weight: 1.465 tons Time to Island 2 min 58 sec = 2.966667 minutes Score (I think) = 50 - (1.465 * 3) - (2.97) = 42.264
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