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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. THIS KEEPS HAPPENING. Ignore this post
  2. Banned for typing canned anyway.
  3. Granted! They are reusable, but have a 99% chance of rapid thermal decomposition. I wish for a seaplane.
  4. Not even close. But Hello! @legoclone09?
  5. Granted, you are sent to a suicide run for your first mission! I wish for a brain.
  6. I can't actually get the file as it is on my laptop, so snipping tool it is!
  7. -91 (-) But we shall give you not just cheesecake, but VICTORY!
  8. Because I checked it out from the library. How can you tell if someone is a witch?
  9. Because they couldn't make rockets to redirect asteroids Why do people have language classes beyond 6th grade?
  10. I would say to use just bilateral, no radial, with planes. This can prevent future confusions when say, giving the wings dihedral.
  11. Because your question is. Is there a killer rabbit?
  12. -90 (-) Well fight if you must, this is certain victory for the negatives!
  13. Cool! I like the use of the octagonal struts as a "command pod"
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