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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Used to have Linux. Then I think I regressed back to Windows 10. Mainly because of this And this I'm a bit lazy. But as for canceling Windows updates - yeah nothing you can really do there. I just try to delay as long as possible.
  2. Either I'm impatient or almost takes a while. Considering this though......... Any updates?
  3. O_o *shuffles away slowly* Is that a thing certain people like?
  4. You sure AJ-10? The AJ-10 a) doesn't burn blue and b) isn't a hydrolox engine. DO you mean instead the RL-10?
  5. Aaaand its in. qzgy - October-December 1955 (Cycle 20) Cephalopod Advanced Research Division - Not quite as busy as NSP. I think though we got a station up. @Ultimate Steve Your turn!
  6. Wait in what sense? If you know one you know the other - just take approximately half. I'm not quote sure why you'd need a nomograph
  7. I believe the airframe can handle more, just the engines aren't up to it. Maybe some scaled up whiplashes could help......... Wait you have a mission for this thing?
  8. Needs to be bigger. At least the landing gear should be the width of the runway.
  9. Damn I was never that neat with my comm sats. I always just stuck them in "any old orbit that was a contract" Its pretty though. Also - hmmm should think about that whole landing thing. No lunar design yet....... Report coming..... in the next week maybe. pfft it ain't exploration without some sacrifices in the name of science.
  10. Unless they did something where all the underlying mechanics were the same but made 2 different UI options. One optimized for PC editions, one for console. Which would be more expensive.
  11. Real crew access arms have a distinct lack of windows and unenclosed walkways.
  12. Kerbol. Not Kerbin. Basically asking what's a low solar orbit. Don't worry, you're not the only person to misread it.
  13. So. Shiny. So. Expensive. Very nice set up though.
  14. Honestly No. The most I've seen is like.... 1.2 or so. Its neat but about useless. Guess it doesn't really count then?
  15. Cross posted from the Electric Boat Chellenge. Welp I made a thing. Presenting a Rowboat, infomally called the Flop-o-matic 9001 (Patent Pending) It moves (very slowly, barely 1 m/s) by flopping the paddles at the side in a rowboat-ish fashion. Truth be told, its more like a bird. But in water. And bad at being a bird. It needs work.
  16. Welp I made a thing. Presenting a Rowboat, infomally called the Flop-o-matic 9001 (Patent Pending) It moves (very slowly) by flopping the paddles at the side in a rowboat-ish fashion. Truth be told, its more like a bird. But in water. And bad at being a bird. Points - 150 (Biomimicry [I believe it counts... It certainly isn't a prop and I dont think its a paddlewheel])
  17. It's OK, I didn't intend to come off as too harsh. I might make another plane for this later. Though I was really quite happy with that first one....
  18. Then edit the OP. I shouldn't have had to make 2 different planes to better define the rules of this challenge and you shouldn't have to go through half a page of posts to find the actual rules.
  19. That still seems ambiguous....... And yes that plane of course uses infinite fuel. It isn't banned is it? Doesn't seem like it.
  20. Ummm..... maybe you want to spoiler that easter egg list for those who don't want to be spoiled. Also easter isn't for a good couple months.
  21. Honestly it doesn't really count at the highest speed more a missile than anything (but thats going already way above orbital velocity so its not like wings are really necessary anyways. They'd probably just explode at that speed too). Also yeah it really wasn't clear what you meant. See, if you ask me the side boosters were just that, not really a mothership that dropped the plane/craft. Also, if you ask me, not launching from a mothership only covers the stuff in the air, you made no mention that "mothership launches" included assistance in taking off from the ground through the use of launch clamps and or decouplers. Mothership usually implies some larger craft that has the actual record vehicle as some sort of parasite attached to it, like how the X-1 was carried by a mothership B-29. So I really don't see launch clamps as being banned in that. I would suggest clarifying the rules then because really, it wasn't clear at all when I made my thing. I would still say it didn't violate the rules. But for example, explicitly banning launch clamps and also clarifying the whole "no mothership rule" (I have to ask though, if I strap an SRB and decouple it would that be cheating? Since if that isn't, why would those LF side boosters be) Edit: Also, as I see nothing explicitly banning what I'm doing here, I'm entering the Javelin IV Top speed (before leaving 40 km ceiling) - About 8857 m/s Engines - 5 Vectors Took off by its own, no mothership, flies, Generally works. I see no problem to enter this with the current rules. This is cheating so hard tho. Infinite fuel and no reentry heating
  22. Hmmm....... Dont even see a rule about the plane having to land at the end. Or not use a detachable scram/ram jet. Or a detachable rocket stage. Or even having landing gear. SO WITH THAT IN MIND...... Plane - Javelin II Engines - 4 Vectors, 64 sepatrons Max Speed - 5552 m/s Dont believe me?
  23. Wait did I say something wrong? I just mean that about two weeks ago said said you were aiming for two weeks.
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