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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Thats a really neat/funky design. I like it. To your problem though, have you checked that the fairing isn't clipping into the actual sliders/rails? Perhaps moving the rails inwards a bit would help.
  2. qzgy - July - September 1954 (Cycle 15) Cephalopod Advanced Research Division - Only five launches he says. ONLY. >_> @Ultimate Steve Perhaps we should think about doing longer periods of time? 6 months instead of 3?
  3. That sounds.. pretty reasonable. I'll be waiting Thats quite a bit of dedication. Dont burn out though. We'd all like to see this finished.
  4. Has a nice spot on top for a parachute it seems. Or some glider wings. Maybe airdrop?
  5. Remember too though he was also sorta responsible for the extinction of an entire group of people. Well meaning but also a bit.... killy.
  6. As always, a very enjoyable read. I feel the romantic comedy is going to be interesting when that is resolved. Jealous Val is also... very calm. Also Burdous's exploits could make for some intersting stories, given the small snippets given here and there. I feel spoiled though, two chapters in about as many days? This is.... Not normal! usually its a good month. or more. I'm not complaining though about the increased rate. PDF has also been updated.
  7. It's only 4 letters can't be that hard can it? Good to hear more is on the way. You also seem to have developed a habit of more text in each chapter. 7000 words is probably a decently long short story.
  8. I see you didn't see the fine print in my post earlier. Ohhhh..... So its a weather thing. Dont see the problem with snowbirds. Tourists... yeah that might be a bit annoying. But better than being in a sauna.
  9. My solution was a rocket that dragged a 3.75m fairing behind it into orbit and could theoretically land back in the runway. Might be easier. Also I think @Alchemist is also using a spaceplane, strapping stuff on top of the rocket plane. No limitations of cargo bays in either case.
  10. Ohhhh....... Generally most designs are long and skinny. I'm curious as to why it has to go outwards so much.
  11. Is that your SLV? Looks terifically normal compared to what I tried to design. I really should keep working on things... but..... other things to do!
  12. qzgy - April - June 1954 (Cycle 14) Cephalopod Advanced Research Division - Things? Maybe? @Ultimate Steve - Might be the last one for a bit. (week, week and a half)
  13. Something from the higher-ups to prevent skilled kerbonauts from dying. They have their own parachutes now though so....... Don't need them on the craft probably.
  14. Feel as if adding a boom with some fins on the end would help. Shift some passive aero stabilty back. Those saucers also probably dont help.
  15. oh no you stitched a rover to a plane. I feel as if the DLC retractable wheels would give it at least a bit of dignity. Does it have parachutes though?
  16. qzgy

    Shower thoughts

    So what happens to all the old universes? Does it all splinter off or something? If so why can't we find those? Surely they must exist if they aren't destroyed. (but yeah, I agree, 13 billion years of physics and chance seems simpler than just poof a new universe every week) I get this. I'm trying to understand how. Is it just MAGIC or is there some mechanism, or is there a demon named Maxwell or what? Because then that mechanism must be absolutely flawless at reading states.... I will concede that.... but this model has worked pretty well so far. So............ IDK.
  17. Thats... pretty accurate. As for me - apparently the most densely populated state in that country that ditched the commonwealth back in the 1700s
  18. qzgy

    Shower thoughts

    Ok about last thursdayism, I always got the concept but just mulling over it right now, wouldn't it break cause of Heisenberg uncertainty? Or, some mechanism for that would have to be figured out? Because the whole premise of it is that the entire universe is basically recreated in exactly the same state. EXACTLY the same. Now, I might be missing something, but that would mean some mechanism has to read the exact state of every particle in the universe and then basically pop it into existence, after destroying it (into presumably... energy or something). Maybe someone can help explain? Because in this case.... occam's razor.
  19. Really nice graphic, although I sorta doubt the Jool numbers. Feel like the gravity of Jool is way way higher than 0.8 of kerbin gravity (though I suppose, it is what it says on the wiki.....). Maybe some clarification might help, since thats supposed surface gravity but jool doesnt exactly quite have a surface.....
  20. *ow that tickles a bit @CatastrophicFailure* If you look at the latest installment, you might see a conversation that interests you @Raptor42 I'd just say wait and see. (CF should put it up. soon-ish. probably)
  21. Wait you need an excuse? Is the opportunity to just go and see it not excuse enough? also spiedie recipe pls?
  22. zzz..... Huh wait what? Oh ok. qzgy - January - March 1954 (Cycle 13) Cephalopod Advanced Research Division - What's this scribble mean? @Ultimate Steve - Reviving in progress....
  23. Did that for my Have Blue replica with landing gear bays (jacked up the elevon deployment). Don't really have a problem calling that stock.
  24. Anyone who doesn't must be insane. So that's a yes. TUBM has a fear or the dark.
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