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  • About me
    Rocket Scientist
  • Location
    A Top Secret Kerbal Lab with a Hyperspace Distorter....
  • Interests
    Doing some [CLASSIFIED] stuff in a lab on [CLASSIFIED] Space Base on Eve

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  1. First 'video game':- Gods of War(PS3) First Simulator:- Orbiter 2010 First PC game:- Either Orbiter or KSP
  2. What's that blackish triangle there? I havent seen it in the Mk2 Cabin.
  3. Or edit their persistence to Kerbal one, so we could have:- Anitnelav Kerman (Val) Llib Kerman (Bill) Bobby Kerman (Bob) Ybslid Kerman (Dilsby) Haidebej Kerman (Jebediah) Woah, so we have a Russian (Val), a Jew (Dilsby), a Arabian (Jeb), a American (Bob) and erm.., any guesses as to Llib?
  4. You're missing something.... I know! SLS BOOSTERS! They've been tested by NASA recently and will give the Voyager a good kick for 2 minutes.
  5. Woah, that was unexpected but, I'm pretty sure KSC would have sent them a message:- Unless it was a stealth bomber....
  6. WOAH! That exhaust is too cool! If only that engine really had that exhaust and made a 'whurrrrr!' sound instead of a 'pshhhhhhh!' sound. Also, that dust reminds me of something... Ah yes! Apollo 11! "We're kicking up some dust, Houston!"
  7. I don't know why nobody actually mentioned this but, I think Thompington and Bruberry are Thompberry's parents. So.... Yeah....
  8. Well, good to see OreSat - 1 worked! Also, I found out that the hex-shaped scanner has a scanning mode of Surface. Any idea what that means? Because my scanner refused to work in Low Kerbin Orbit.
  9. @max_creative has formulated the Author's Law of Chapters:- Time x 2= Chapters x 2 and Time/2 = Chapters/2
  10. Nice! But how did you get rover wheels and stuff with Level 1 Buildings?!
  11. Grab yo' guitars everyone! Let's play some rock music!
  12. ... Made of cow leather. Cape Canaveral air force station has a hangar made out of...
  13. A Dolphin on Laythe? There are only amphibians on Laythe! Cheater!
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