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  1. As far as I can tell this tech tree does not support USI (specifically MKS) - are there plans to add the patches needed to support this mod (in terms of parts placement) - seems the tech tree has good nodes for MKS support and even has colony nodes. Currently it does not look like the MKS mod has its parts placed in the tech tree. Thanks, and what a great tech tree, its been very fun to play through.
  2. Hi, I would like to use Rational Resources with Kerbalism, however after install its not working. No other mods were installed (apart from dependencies) I have checked the KSP.log file, and can see Kerbalism load the RationalResourcesKerbalism profile, and can see the new processes get added, and no obvious errors are shown. No errors when adding the part in VAB either. However, ingame VAB/SPH, there is no additional options (processes as they are called) added under configure by Rational Resources over the default ones included with Kerbalism. To recreate this, install Kerbalism with its default config and then install rational resources, (GameData is RationalResources, RationalResourcesParts, RationalResourcesKerbalism), then load the game place in any ISRU or chemical plant and the ISRU is broken, same for drills, etc (anything that interracts with Rational Resources and Kerbalism). I have had a look over the Kerbalism configs for RationalResources (in RationalResourcesKerbalism) to see if I could figure out what is wrong, but unfortunately I do not know enough about this to be able to figure this out. Mods and Game Version KSP 1.11.1 Kerbalism 3.12 Kerbalism - Default Config 3.12 RationalResources 1.15 Any Ideas? I would really like to use this mod with Kerbalism for the added ISRU chains and with the added realism to resource distribution on planets. Look forward to hearing from any of you Thank You!
  3. Sounds awesome! If we have a save that already using the current version of KIS will the new version work with it? Ie will the new version be backwards compatible allowing us to continue with our saves or would we have to restart our saves? Thanks
  4. I for one welcome this DLC! I cannot wait for robotics I cannot wait for surface science I cannot wait for kerbal cargo Take my money! Bring on the 30th! PS. I think its a VERY reasonable price
  5. Kaspar said that the latest experimental build is not for the pre release
  6. From Kaspar in EJ_SA stream I asked is it soon soon or soon soon soon? - KasperVld: DatSparrow, uhhh.... soon-ish™?
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