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Everything posted by davivcgarcia

  1. Hi friends, I'm very excited with the KSP and it made me curious about the science around Space Missions. After google for while, I found this EdX course about a this subject which includes also orbital mechanics. I'm sharing just in case there is a curious like me out there! https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:EPFLx+EE585x+2016_T1 Regards, Davi Garcia
  2. Hi guys, Thanks for the quick answers! By the way, I just watched your video riding the asteroid. Regards, Davi
  3. Hi Maximus97, Thanks for fixing my post! About not reverting in career mode, if I tried this way I would be without astronauts or money at this point... Regards, Davi
  4. Hi all, I'm starting playing Kerbal Space Program now and I'm loving it! However, I'm failing miserably to achieve some of the contracts. So, that why I have the question: what is lost reverting a flight in career mode? Reputation? Money? Thanks, Davi
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