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Everything posted by FreeSpaceIndustry

  1. Hi, sorry for the late response I do not play the game nowadays, I'm waiting for it to get a bit more content. I have checked, but I cannot find the cause of the issue. There are no relevant exceptions logged for me. Please let me know if you find a way to reproduce the issue of the ColorPresets.json ballooning. (Till that please prune the file here: \AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\ColorPresets.json )
  2. Add a new interactive filter for KSP2 OAB to filter parts dynamically. Source code: https://github.com/VChristof/InteractiveFilter/ MIT License Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3339/Interactive Filter This mod adds two new buttons: Top filter (Can be switched by key "T" also) Bottom filter (Can be switched by key "B" also) Activating them will filter the parts shown. Top will only show the parts fitting on the top free attachment nodes. Bottom will only show the parts fitting on the bottom free attachment nodes. Orientation is calculated from the assembly's anchor part. Only the launch vehicle is considered in the filtering. If both filter is active attachment node orientation is note checked only if its free. (every node's size is considered) If there are no free nodes no filtering will be applied. # Installation Instructions 1. Install Space Warp (https://github.com/SpaceWarpDev/SpaceWarp) mod loader. 2. Place interactive_filter folder in the directory under your game install at Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins.
  3. Updates the default KSP 2 Color Manager with extra preset options. Source code: https://github.com/VChristof/ColorPresets MIT License Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3317/Color presets How it works After installation the Color Manager in the VAB will be updated with the "Extra Colors" option. Use the "+" sign to save presets. The presets can be scrolled by dragging them. The presets are stored independently of save files under: "%user%\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\ColorPresets.json" Deleting a preset in one save will delete it everywhere Installation instructions Install Space Warp (https://github.com/SpaceWarpDev/SpaceWarp) mod loader. Place color_presets folder in the directory under your game install at Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins.
  4. Hey, a started this topic to talk about the color manager. (Love the concept and happy to see it in KSP 2) What I was able to gather from the available videos, is that you can select 2 colors as the agency colors, also change them on parts or on the assembly. What I did not see was the option to save different color pairs as presets. I would really like the option to color code my missions or my sub assemblies. Adding a list option where you can select presets, a string input filed where you can name a preset and a save/delete button should fit into the above editor easily. A input field for hex or RGB color codes would also be nice. Opinions?
  5. Windows sees all the available memory (8 GB) I will check windows defender, but I do not run anything in the background. (also nobody uses IE )
  6. Hey, I'm having a performance issue on Windows 10, 64 bit, modded KSP (~20 mods), available memory 8 GB. I have recently "upgraded" from Windows 7 64 bit to Windows 10 64 bit. (Before the update, when I launched the game it used around 4.5 GB memory and it run smooth.) Now on Windows 10 64 bit it only uses 3.6 GB (~4GB) and I get stutter and long in game loads, very similar as before the Unity 5 / 64 bit upgrade for KSP. I triple checked that I run KSP 64 bit version, Windows 10 64 bit version and I did not changed anything in my hardware. Please help!
  7. Great mod! Just finished my Asteroid Hotel! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/803173561593632442/4DE21566CFF740FA0467ECEAE734FAC52F30E3F5/ I was wondering can the deliver X tourist to Hotel mission changed to be more like the take tourist to asteroid missions, so the kerbals visit the station for 10-20 days then you have to take them home? Best regards, Kristóf
  8. WIP! No download available jet, just the models and a place to share the progress. About this mod: This parts pack is designed for building Orbital Stations and to move and store cargo from arriving and leaving ships.
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