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Ultimate Steve

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    Employed Satellite Engineer
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  1. Hello, everyone. I would like to ask something of someone, and it's a big-ish thing and there is a chance I may not ever be able to complete it, but...

    If anyone is interested in doing a co-op mission report about a RO/RSS/RP-0 space race, I would.

    It would work like this - we would decide on a set of mods (required and allowed) and play as much as we like, but on the thread we'd post updates for every ingame month (or 3 months at the beginning when nothing is going on) to keep the time synced up. We also might want to restrict quickloading to a certain degree to make it interesting. The end point would be a manned lunar landing, but we'd have to follow a somewhat realistic series of events (probes first, one man in orbit before two, maybe building a multimodular station, etc).


    Any takers? We could include more people if there are enough interested. I'll get started on a modlist (the game would be in 1.2.2 because that's the latest supported RO version).

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ultimate Steve

      Ultimate Steve


      Rules, mods, game settings, etc.

      If anything seems off to you tell me and we'll talk about changing it. If you're ready, we can start soon (but a third person would be great).


    3. qzgy


      Ok. Looks good, I just have 3 questions

      1. We all have seperate saves right? We just post to the same thread our individual progress? (This makes the most sense, but just confirming)

      2. 11.c says something about TestFlight, but you prohibit it in 6.e.i - So is it prohibited or allowed?

      3. Any clarifications on the difficulty settings? Or leave them at normal but switch off crew respawn (and optionally turn on Immediate level up)?


      I wouldn't mind waiting till a third person. I probably can't start anything serious until the weekend or the week after. Lets see if a third person joins :)


      Also - as a note this is my first time ever really going into RSS/RO - This will be fun!

    4. Ultimate Steve

      Ultimate Steve

      1. Yes.

      2. My bad, I meant to type Kerbal Construction Time there, but my brain ended up on autopilot. It is prohibited.

      3. Normal settings plus the edits (crew respawn off, level up on maybe).





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