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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. I'm not sure exactly what is causing the crashes. I'm not really into that stuff. However, I can do a few things. Are you running the 32 bit version? If so, try the 64 bit one. Are you using 1.1.3, the latest version? It fixed a lot of the crashes in 1.1.2. Do you have the latest versions of all the mods? Tweakscale thread. Because there are in fact two. Kopernicus was only updated three days ago. Try re-installing the game and copying your saves over (It's not really that complicated, but keep backups just in case) and see if the problem still persists. Here is the new KAS thread. The old one does not work with 1.1.3. Here is the KIS 1.1.3 DL link. I can't find the 1.1.3 thread, so... Anyways. If you have all fully updated mods and it is still happening, try uninstalling them one by one. When the problem stops, if it stops, you've found the mod that (should have been) is giving you trouble. I hope I helped! Also, you might want to look at the bug reporting guide. And welcome to the forums!
  2. Part 19: Plbbf. I forgot action groups. I probably won't need them, but still.
  3. @max_creative Thanks! Yeah, it does look awesome! But "Independence" is the Eeloo ship's name. Not this one. I just named the Eeloo one because I completely forgot about it. There will be... hazards, let's say.
  4. I believe that the "surface" is at -250 meters and you were just falling down to that altitude. I think... And, we arrive at Jool! You know you're doing something right if you can have one of the most viewed threads and go through ten chapters without getting to Jool.
  5. ...Is an actual house made from rotting steak. This moonbase is...
  6. Person (One word to describe avatar)
  7. Good point. They should have added sun tracking Well, KSP wasn't really a thing when this was launched, so, meh.
  8. IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  9. Wait... Lego minifigs?!?!?!?!? AWESOME!
  10. The Notebook Space Program is interested in launching a minimalist Jool exploration probe onboard the Raptor 9. However, we would like to know approximately how much the Raptor 9 can lift to orbit, or just how much the Komodo weighs as a benchmark. That way, we can make sure that it will not be an impossible payload. -Steve Kerman, CEO of the Notebook Space Program. Edit: The engineers have presented us with some designs. The current one is 2.326 tons, 2.3 meters tall, 2.2 meters wide, and 1.2 meters long. It is fully stock, and I can send craft file upon request.
  11. Either the burn should have started and we won't know if it will work for half an hour (lightspeed delay) or it started 30 minutes ago and is finished burning and we just got confirmation that it started
  12. 21000 viewers and rising! Three and a half minutes until burn! EDIT: One minute, and also there is up to a 53 minute light speed delay.
  13. Okay. This is the ninth mission to Jupiter. Five minutes to go. 1. Pioneer 10 flyby. 2. Pioneer 11 flyby. 3. Voyager flyby 4. Voyager 2 flyby 5. Ulyssses flyby. 6. Gallileo Orbiter. 7. Cassini flyby 8. New Horizons flyby. 9. Juno orbit. That makes Juno the second ever spacecraft to orbit Jupiter!
  14. JUNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, the fireworks were the best this year. Some of them took up the whole sky and there were exploding buckets of... something explosive!
  15. Okay. First off, build it on Minmus before you try one on the Mun. It is much easier. Second: Standardize a docking port height. I typically use the large landing gear mounted on a horizontal 2 meter part. Third: Attach small rockets to each piece to that they can move around and dock. Fourth: If setting it up on Kerbin is too troubling, use subassemblies and assemble it in the VAB/SPH to test leg height and port height.
  16. @max_creative 42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW, 18 is one of my favorite numbers, so: Part 18: Read slowly for maximum effect! Especially the end! Happy Independence day! For those of you living in the US, anyway! If not, then, well, Have a good day today anyways!
  17. @the_Demongod My hourlong burns are either capture burns (say, Moho) or plane change burns (also, Moho).
  18. It happened because someone installed the accelerometers upside down... it's not funny if you built it, but it is funny to watch.
  19. There is no best engine. However, if I do a bracket... Twin Boar beats Spider. Rhino beats Twitch. Mammoth beats Thud, Puff beats Juno. Wheesley beats Ant, Spark beats Panther, Terrier beats Whiplash, Reliant beats Goliath (I did another bracket, and Goliath ended up being the worst engine), Swivel beats Flea, Vector beats Hammer, RAPIER beats Thumper. It is close between the Kickback and the dart, but I'm gonna say Kickback. Nerv and Separton? Nerv. Poodle trumps LES (The second worst engine according to my other bracket), The Skipper beats the Dawn (I have no patience), and the Mainsail gets a free pass because there is 31 engines and 32 spots in the bracket. Round 2: Twin boar barely beats Rhino, Mammoth beats Puff, Spark beats Wheesley, Terrier beats Reliant, Vector beats Swivel, RAPIER beats Kickback, Nerv beats Poodle, and Mainsail beats Skipper (barely). Round 3. Things start getting tough. Mammoth beats Twin Boar, Terrier beats Spark, even though the spark is amazing for small craft. The Vector and the Rapier. Now there's a tough one. I'm going to say Vector because it is simply unparalleled in lifting capability. Nerv is better than Mainsail. Round 4: The mammoth and Terrier. Darn. The Mammoth is great for huge ships, and the Terrier is great for small ones. I'll go with the Mammoth on this one because it is useful inside the atmosphere. Even harder, the Nerv and the Vector. The Vector is better at lifting things, but life without the Nerv would be terrifying. They are both amazing engines, if polar opposites. For the sake of progression I'll chose the Vector. Round 5: The Vector and the Mammoth. Definitely the Vector. You can put 7 of them where one mammoth fits, and they have a 15 degree gimbal. Plus, they sink, so you can make subs with them. Results: In fourth place, I have the Terrier. It will always be useful throughout the game. In third place, the Mammoth, IMO. Great low part lifting engine. Four part Vectors vs. One part Mammoths. Or for when you don't need Vectors. In second place, the Nerv. It is the second most efficient vacuum engine in the game, the only one where the burn times don't take forever (I'm looking at you. Dawn). In first place, well, the Vector. Great for Lifting, great control, great TWR, okay efficiency, and it is small! Aaaaand, I self nerd sniped for the second time in 30 minutes
  20. There is no worst engine. Just engine for different jobs. Wait, what if I did a bracket? *15 minutes later* Spider worse than twin boar. Rhino worse than twitch (I really like the twitch), Thud worse than mammoth, Juno worse than puff, Ant worse than Wheesley, Panther Whiplash worse than Terrier, Goliath worse than Reliant (I never use either, mostly), Flea worse than Swivel, Hammer worse than Vector, Thumper worse than RAPIER. Dart vs. Kickback is tough, but I'll say Dart is less used. Sepatron is worse than Nerv, although still very useful. LES worse than Poodle, Dawn less useful than skipper, and Mainsail gets a free pass because there are 31 engines. Round 2. Spider worse than Rhino, Juno worse than Thud (Still fun to play with), Panther worse than Ant (Great for tiny ships), Goliath worse than Whiplash, Flea worse than Hammer, Thumper worse than Dart, LES worse than Sepatron, and Dawn worse than Mainsail. Round 3: Spider vs. Juno. A tough one. I'll say that the spider is worse. Panther and goliath? Goliath. Flea and Thumper? Flea. LES and Dawn? LES. Round 4: Spider vs. Goliath. Goliath worse. Flea and LES? I think LES is worse. Now, it comes down to the Goliath and the LES. Even now, they both are useful in their niches, but if I had to say one was worse it would be the Goliath. So, the above is all opinion. It also should be noted that everything is useful somewhere. EDIT: I may very well have been nerd sniped here.
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