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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. @Stormpilot Definitely not Boss Baby. You have been tasked with finding a more ethical method of execution. What do you decide on using?
  2. Way back in 2014, HOCGaming, Chickenkeeper, and EnterElysium created an entertaining series using Dark Multiplayer, where they did many things, ranging from building a Mun base to racing different craft to the island airport. It was quite entertaining, however they stopped the series because multiplayer technology of the time was not very stable. Now I haven't exactly checked, but now that it is seven years later, I'm guessing the multiplayer mods have improved somewhat. I'm looking to make something similar to that series, having 3-5 KSP YouTubers hang out and complete KSP challenges, with each episode being under an hour. If you are a small YouTuber and want to participate, please let me know! The goal is to make this a weekly thing, maybe with a varying cast depending on who can make it that week if there is enough interest. I'm not going to put hard upper or lower bounds on what a "small" YouTuber is, but basically as long as you have a decent mic, KSP experience, and a YouTube channel, you are probably good to participate (for comparison I'm at about 300 subs). I don't know when this will start, but there will be a test session first to make sure everything is feasible. The only other big things I can think of are sorting out who will do the hosting, how to do the hosting, and which of the two existing multiplayer mods we should use (DMP vs LMP). I might not be able to host depending on the restrictions of my college's internet. If you have any insight as to the pros and cons of each mod, please let me know as it has been a while since I have tried them out!
  3. @Dman979 $36.26 not counting gift cards. You need a wedding gift for your best friend, but you are broke. What do you get them?
  4. @Stormpilot Very often. I'm actually doing that right now. Do ship your Kerbals?
  5. Here is how this works: Answer the question of the post above, pinging the question's author in the process (do not quote them).Your answer may not contain a trace of the original question. If you quote them, the original post is preserved, which negates the point. Your answer may not contain a trace of the original question, that negates the point. Try to make your answer non specific, as it allows greater humor flexibility. Short answers will probably do better. In the same post, ask a new question. Wait for the next person who posts to ping you. Read their answer and think of a question that would make that answer funny/silly. Edit your post and switch the original question for that question. Example: Dave: (insert answer to previous question, insert ping) What is your favorite part in KSP? Randal: @Dave without a doubt, the terrier engine. What was the cause of your last mission failure? (Dave then proceeds to edit his post so it asks, instead "Which part is the most useless part in the game?") Cheryl: @Randal The parachutes didn't work. (Insert next question). (Randal then proceeds to edit his post so it asks, instead "What is your greatest regret about that time you sent Kerbals into Jool?" So now it reads: Which part is the most useless part in the game? Without a doubt, the terrier engine. What is your greatest regret about that time you sent Kerbals into Jool? The parachutes didn't work. The goal is to make a long string of funny questions and answers you can binge and chuckle at. Try to make the questions/answers KSP related, but if that was a strict rule we would run out of content fairly quickly. I'll start. Do you feel any remorse for stranding your Kerbals on Eve?
  6. Please tell me more about this, and if possible show more.
  7. What gives that impression? I was under the impression that this was the plan, that they are sending it back to finish it.
  8. I think the falcon 1 fail was due to residual thrust from the first stage. Assuming raptor thrust is on a constant downward slope with no increases during shutdown, and that there is no active separation mechanism like in falcon 1, recontacting shouldn't be an issue. Performance impact shouldn't be much more than a couple seconds of burning above prograde, which they might need to do anyway depending on the flight profile to get the apo up. Unless of course they wait for one whole rotation to do ignition (I doubt it). Should be offset by a faster boostback and reduced mass, at least that is my intuition. I could still be completely wrong about this though. Ullage/prop settling for stage two ignition might be a concern with that rotation.
  9. When I heard that part, I was assuming the kick spin was for getting the booster pointed the right way for boostback. But now that I think about it, if aero loads are light enough, spinning slightly to release the upper stage with centrifugal "force" (yeah it's not a force but it's easier to say it that way) solves a lot of problems neatly. Performance impact should be minimal. It helps the booster get in the right direction for boostback quicker. It eliminates all the mass that a separation system would take up. And, it makes stacking way easier and turnaround faster because there is no separation system to reset, you just plop it right down on the booster.
  10. It is kind of like Minecraft in this respect. There are a few major milestones to aim for (survive a night, find diamonds, beat the dragon, beat the wither, etc. For Minecraft. Get to space, get to orbit, land on Mun, Jool 5, Eve return etc. for KSP). However you can keep doing whatever you want to even after all of these milestones are complete.
  11. Soyuz 1 is the only big one I can think of.
  12. I'd fly on both given the chance. Idk which one I'd choose given the choice assuming I was able to afford either. It would probably come down to who would be riding with me. They both have their pros and cons. NS: Likely safer Goes a bit higher Probably more zero G time (haven't counted but it seems intuitive) No asterisks Way bigger windows You get to be cool and walk down a crew access arm SS2: More windows (they are smaller but still a decent size) Allows you to look straight down Looks waaaayyy cooler In the future won't be limited to one launch site, so you can choose from a much more diverse selection of views than just "desert" (but both are just desert for now) More room to move around and do flips without accidentally hitting people A far longer experience Could be a pro or a con depending on who you talk to: One has higher Gs One feels more like a rocket, one feels more like a plane Outfits are about the same Webcasts are both subpar but in different ways
  13. I've been working on a medium scale Eve mission recently. The focus of this mission will be to explore a near sea level region of Eve and name a lot of islands. I have made four videos so far: Designing the ascent vehicle Launching a relay network Launching a scout plane to search for a good launch site Designing aircraft to explore Eve with Here is the playlist: Enjoy!
  14. Any word if this is standard for all passengers or just for testing?
  15. Hardcore or Iron Man aren't really the right words, but I don't really have a better word on hand. I'm looking to create a rule set for a more challenging and rewarding KSP experience. Normal KSP career has gotten a bit stale for me. When things go right I rarely get a sense of accomplishment. When things go wrong it is more of an annoyance or a frustration that I have to spend the time staring at loading screens than it is an actual learning experience. Additional background that you can skip: So basically, I'm taking suggestions from you, whether it be for mods or rules or added rules or whatnot, aimed at creating a more challenging, more rewarding KSP experience without adding a significant amount of grindiness or lag. In particular, I want: New things to play around with New places to explore (maybe) A distinct end goal because I have difficulty sticking with things for a long long time, but also the ability to play beyond it if I feel like it Restrictions to increase mission scale (like a minimum seat count per Kerbal on long missions or something, etc) Additional rules and restrictions in general A reason to have space stations? Maybe a milestone list I need to complete? Probably a tech tree revamp or restrictions creating the same effect Aim to fix the "you can get all the tech without leaving the Kerbin system" problem while also: Not making it a grind to get to orbit/The Mun (can happen with reduced science output) Not making it a grind to go interplanetary Stuff that will make me more attached to and invested in my missions and Kerbals Rules to make funding/reputation more engaging and not just a meter you pay no attention to unless it is near zero Lose conditions - No real threat of failure in normal KSP, want to change that Whatever else you can think of But while still keeping it relatively lightly modded and not very grindy. I've already decided on a few basic rules, namely no reverts or quickloads except for glitches, no crew respawn, and every crewmember needs to be named after someone I know. I'll probably pick and choose from what people send me, to try to make something I think I'll enjoy, but I'll also compile a list of everything (or at least everything compatible) for an extreme version.
  16. Last night I was anomaly hunting and found one Easter Egg that I believe has not been documented before but I'm not sure if it is one of the new ones or has just been there for a while without anyone finding it. It also might be Making History exclusive considering its location. Should we wait to post until we receive the hints to ensure its the right Easter egg? Is this thread just for the 5 specific Easter eggs or can we post anomalies in general here?
  17. !!! There has not been new easter eggs in a long time. Bring out the detective hats! If only I didn't have to go to bed right now.
  18. Imo looks closer to that guy from "my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" but people have also suggested Junk Cortez and Linus from LTT. I don't think there's a dominant consensus yet, we would need more pixels to tell.
  19. I would not be surprised if Rasputin could also survive a Saturn V launch given his track record. I would still give the edge to the rocket, but it will be close.
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