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  1. Well, I actually worked on a micro science rover that fits in a 2.5 meter bay or Mk 2 bay that even has an ion engine built in for jumps or getting into orbit a few weeks ago. If you want to give it a try, the downloads are here. I wanted to see how small I could make a fully functional rover and this is what I came up with:
  2. Well, I finished a Mun base design a few days ago, but it's a bit different from what you'd usually think a base would look like... I didn't include a launch vehicle in the download, but there is a landing engine that gives you ~2000 delta-V. If you wanna try it out, the download is right here, but I doubt you'd need the rover garage, so it'd probably be more useful as inspiration into less conventional designs!
  3. Micro-update! While I usually would wait to have a few craft to upload before making an update, I feel that given the number of people who liked this thing on KerbalX, I might as well share it on here too! Mini Rover - Tochka While experimenting on rover delivery systems for the TR-O, I decided to see how small I could make a science gathering rover. The result is Tochka. Russian for "dot" or "point", it's small enough to fit inside a Mk II bay or 2.5m bay, is made of 40 parts, weighs just over a ton and even has an ion engine that'll let it hover or jump in Munar gravity! One of my fave points of this thing is that there are 2 reaction wheels, one that's SAS only, the other is used for self righting and manoeuvring with the ion engine and is turned on by hotkey 3, letting it be both controllable in any mode! With a vacuum dV of ~1400, it could even get into orbit around smaller bodies with the little "jumping" engine! Need a really small rover? Like REALLY small? You can find it here!
  4. I went for the Kerbin AeroSpace Exploration Initiative, or KASEI for short. I tacked on "Slightly Dangerous Division" for Science mode and "SDD Test Bed" for sandbox.
  5. Well, I've made Malleus a sci-fi-esque mothership...thing with two mk3 full size cargo bays in it, the body technically made up of 2 mk3 bits and 2 mk2 ones. (Does that count as multi-hull? I don't know...) ...and Bulldog, a sci-fi esque SSTO. It glides backwards to land, thanks to the aerodynamics of the wings. I also have a ship that looks like a retro sci-fi rocket...thing, which is technically the precursor to Malleus above.
  6. I'd think a better comparison would be between KSP and Besiege; you're ostensibly trying to build machine to fulfil a purpose, but you have to deal with the physics engine, things blowing up/falling apart and your own obsession with making your machine look awesome.
  7. Whew, just finished a fresh batch of monstrosities to share! Feel free to PM me with feedback/ideas; I'm always willing to lend an ear to constructive criticism! With that out of the way, here's what I've got for you guys this week: Rover - TR-O Thinking back on what made my Grey Ghost rover fun, I realized that while October Rain fit more stuff in it than the Grey Ghost, the fact that it was so big and clunky was a pretty big turn off, especially when it was much less fun to drive, so I thought long and hard about how I could design something that not only was about the same size and weight of the Grey Ghost, but it had to go fast, stay in control and look pretty cool while doing it. Thinking back to my youth, I remembered those days on the track, watching my dad and his buddies design, build and drive Formula racers, I realized the open wheelbase concept and look of a Formula race car would work perfectly with the new wheel mechanics. Mind you, I wouldn't need downforce, so I switched out the rear spoiler and front fin for some I-Beam bumpers to protect the wheels from front end collisions and flips. The only real problem is has is a slightly lower top speed than the Grey ghost; only at about 29.5m/s as opposed to 33.1m/s, but the degree of control this rover affords makes up for it. Due to changes in the landing gear, the flipping mechanism does explode from time to time in both this rover and the Grey Ghost because it somehow ends up "overstressed". To counter this, I've put 2 additional landing legs in the rover so that if you do end up flipping, you should have a few reserve legs when a couple break. This being said, this rover is MUCH more stable than any other one I've made, so I doubt that you'll have much to worry about! Want to give it a try? Find it right here! Space Station/Interplanetary cruiser - Malleus I had mentioned during the release of the Ecclesiarch that I hadn't actually put together a space station for myself as of yet. I decided to rectify it a little while ago and what I ended up with...isn't really as much of a space station as a giant mothership-esque monstrosity. After my first preliminary model, which was pretty big, I knew I needed something bigger. Something that could incorporate two full size Mk III bays in it. Something that could act as its own interplanetary ecosystem, launching MMUs and drones to fill itself with the nearly 500 tons of oxidizer and liquid fuel it can hold. Something loaded with so many reaction wheels and RCS thrusters that it'd feel nimble in space, despite weighing in at 350 tons after getting into orbit. What I came up with...is this. Malleus, the hammer. 48250 units of liquid fuel, 52250 units of oxidizer, 6 regular sized docking ports, 4 miniature ones and room for 12 kerbals. This thing can hold a LOT, act as the center of a station, refuel ships in orbit, or you can send it into a polar orbit of Minmus, run the survey scanner in the right cargo bay, send a drone out, fuel up and head wherever you want with over 6000 dV if you just fill up the liquid fuel. I'd recommend against doing any real landing with it, though. Those fins/wings are mostly for show/fuel storage and I'm sure it'd drop like a rock if you tried gliding with it. Ready to fly an interplanetary spacecraft that's nearly 50 metres long? Get yours here! Mining drone - Scarecrow And here we have the first component that Malleus would really need. The Scarecrow, much like its namesake, should be associated with harvesting. This little drone is essentially drills and solar panels shoved into a small package and made to fit nicely in the storage bay. While I'm usually hesitant to include a I've developed smaller ones and cheaper ones, but the main benefit of this one is that it looks a lot cleaner than the other ones, has static solar panels hidden inside the chassis so it won't run out of power if the larger panels are retracted, and can be refuelled more easily due to how the hidden fuel tanks are stacked. Is it harvest time in space? Need a mining drone that fits snugly in a corner? Get yours here! Lander/Rover - Chrysalid My attempt at making a rover using the XL3 wheels and a cupola. While I've found that many larger rovers have the whole "Tube with big wheels" aesthetic, I never was really a fan of it, I noticed that by "shimmying" left and right, you were able to trick the XL3 wheels to go insane speeds, so I wanted a rover that could take advantage of that. I also wanted a rover that could incorporate a cupola, science lab and full sized ISRU converter and a claw. I even threw in some RCS and aerospike rockets so that you can biome-hop with it and land the rover itself. Mind you, I left the thing rather light on fuel, so while you can get into orbit with it on Minmus or the Mun, don't expect miracles from the limited fuel supply! This thing actually has an interesting story behind the name. I named it because, like a chrysalis-bound insect, it can "grow" anything it needs to complete a mission. Solar panels and drills pop out of it, it can use the rockets and landing gear on the aft end to land, it can use the claw to dock with craft, I've even gotten it into Minmus orbit to rendezvous with craft before! Want a rover that can evolve into whatever mission parameters you can figure out and can go over 80 m/s without using fuel and much faster if you want to use some? You can find it here!
  8. April showers may bring May flowers, but they also bring a new set of spacecraft...I guess! I finally have been able to put together a couple new craft to share, so I figured it's time to put 'em up! October Sky Rover With 1.1.x making wheels collide with the body and blocking them, I returned to an old idea of mine: "What if we put the wheels inside the craft, protected by a cage all around?" An idea I had to abandon due to the limits of my laptop running the 32 bit version of the game. But with a reason to make the craft and the ability to not set my motherboard on fire by making it, I finally completed the October Sky. Basically, it's a mobile base made in the same style of the Grey Ghost. La Caravane above was only really developed because I couldn't make this thing in 1.0.5. While it's admittedly slow and heavy, I think it came out absolutely GORGEOUS! And the rocket boosters bring it close to 40m/s on Kerbin, so it's only really slow in turns. Even if you use up all your fuel going fast, there are reserves for the Vernor thrusters which will help you flip the craft if it ends up upside down! Want a solar powered armoured personnel carrier? Get yours here! Ecclesiarch MMU I've got a confession to make: I've yet to put together a modular space station. I keep coming up with ideas, but I don't want to have my framerate drop to around 2fps when I stare at its majesty. So, while trying to come up with a station, I designed this nifty little MMU to attach to it! Honestly, it was just a test to see if it could be done in a way I found aesthetically pleasing, but after seeing it give Jeb a halo like he's in some Eastern Orthodox iconography, I just HAD to make it work. It's got a good deal of dV, decent battery life, a mini docking port on top and a Dawn engine on the bottom! Great to go pick up Kerbals and bring 'em to a space station when your SSTO runs out of fuel in orbit. They come two in a pack and are ready to be attached to a 2.5m rocket of your choice to take them up out of the atmosphere! Get yours here! Speaking of SSTOs... Bulldog SSTO This thing...Well, it's not the most functional nor the most efficient, but it never was meant to be. I wanted to see if I could get an alien/sci-fi looking design not only in the air, but into orbit and back a la K-Prize. I had to stick science gathering stuff in the clamp-o-tron's compartment just so that I didn't feel like it did nothing. This being said, it's relatively easy to fly; you can follow the ascent path that the Hayha has laid out on the download page, just switching out the 400m/s mark for 425m/s and you've gotta make sure it doesn't flip when you tilt up to escape the atmosphere. Yeah, I managed to get such a weird looking design to work pretty decently well, I'm kind of impressed! Mind you, the thing doesn't like being pitched upwards too quickly at low speeds and doesn't play nice with physics warp, so just keep that in mind if you're flying around in it! Perhaps the most unique thing about this craft is after a few re-entries with it, I figured out that while it really wants to go in aft-first, I could use it to my advantage. One reversed drone core later, you switch on the control surfaces of the Big-S tail fins I used for cosmetics and the thing glides down quite nicely! Want to pretend you're invading other planets? Get yours here!
  9. Unless I'm making something with over 150 parts, I'll stick with 1.0.5. This being said, I'll test it in 1.1.2 if I plan on releasing it at some point, just to make sure that it's compatible for the majority of people. For career mode, I do solely stick with my 1.0.5 save though, at least for now, just because I can't get TextureReplacer working for the Kerbal faces and I like having a diverse crew.
  10. Actually, chlorophyll in their skin would explain the green colouration and maybe snacks are like fertilizer and water...Kerbals are a hyper-advanced form of plant? Or maybe they have some sort of symbiotic chloroplast-bearing plant in their skin that feeds them partially through photosynthesis? There's only one way to find out... Squad's next game: Kerbal Genome Project
  11. I put together an Alien/sci-fi reinterpretation of my most used SSTO craft. It flies a bit nicer in 1.0.5 than it does in 1.1.1, but can get into orbit with ~1700 dV in either version. Still working on landings with it, given how the aerodynamics are kinda reversed on the craft, it wants to go aft first, but, hey, at least it looks nice.
  12. Working on an MMU design! I may have gone overboard with the amount of dV this thing has (~1072 from RCS, ~2715 from Dawn engine, according to the readouts), but I love how it turned out, especially with the silly halo it seems to give the Kerbal piloting it. Sheer luck in how I placed it, but I'm gonna claim it was intended from the get-go. All hail Jeb, Patron Saint of dV and rapid unplanned disassembly! P.S. - What was everyone liking on my earlier WiP post? Please let it be the rover that I worked hard on and not the dragon jet I threw together in 15 minutes...
  13. I've noticed this too, and honestly, even turning up the stressTolerance in the wheel file (Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Squad/Parts/Wheel) by 100 points makes them breakable but much more rugged. (Just noticed that the TR-2L Ruggedized wheels have a stress tolerance of 300 while the regular M1 wheel has one of 560? Makes me think something was overlooked? I dunno...) The wheel blocked issue is just something we have to live with for the time being, it seems, but at least we can tweak the breakability of the wheels until it gets patched. Just comment the old values out with // like so: stressTolerance = 400//300 So you can revert to the stock values when the wheel fix comes through.
  14. I've decided to try out a LKO lifting SSTO design to refuel a future space station/fuel depot and I can get it into orbit with a full Jumbo-64! Now to keep it from dropping like a rock due to the aft-heaviness of it... The biggest problem is the game chugs with it on my laptop in 1.0.5, making flight difficult, and the landing gear collapses under it in 1.1, so I've unfortunately had to shelve the design for the time being. With rover wheels being kinda wonky in 1.1, combined with the upped part count, I decided to revisit my original plan for a scaled up armoured rover-base thing. I'd say it's 95% done, just trying to figure out if I should add more fuel and make the 25 ton rover heavier or if I should remove fuel, but reduce the range that it can use its monopropellant boosted speed...decisions, decisions... Finally, we've got ridiculous stuff that I'll never end up releasing because it's made on a whim: Jet that's inspired by the jet that Batman used in the Justice League cartoon! Honestly, this thing ended up way too usable for comfort...for a weird looking jet, it's got great low and high speed manoeuvrability. Now to just institute some sort of crime-fighting minigame! A dragon jet! (I just had to see if it could be done and while it flies, it's by no means an easy beast to control; quite apropos, I'd say.
  15. Yeah, there seems to be no difference between a standard .craft and the autosaved one, but I can't trick the game into "autosaving" the ship; I've just started remaking it. I see what you mean about the changes the game makes, and I've figured that it'd likely take me longer to try and edit the files than to just rebuild the craft. Oh well, thanks for the help!
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