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Everything posted by Jakerblam22

  1. And that is why I'm still here. I like this idea, but disco parties for dogfights is the direction it's going. Also, ALL HAIL CONVENTIONAL DESIGNS!
  2. If there are conventional designs, I will stay here. If not, well, I'd rather make planes.
  3. I will probably look into more regulated threads as well. I like the "no holds barred" idea, but after a time, it's just a flying battery with lasers and maybe a few missiles on it. At that point it's not even a plane.
  4. I have to have adj landing gear though! It's my faaaaavorite. But seriously, if I put standard on there my plane wouldn't sit like it can now. Too tippy, can't taxi at all. I have also been having problems with wobble on takeoff using standard landing gear, plane wobbles back and forth to the point that everything explodes and mission fails miserably.
  5. I'm just waiting on Adjustable Landing Gear then, that's the only other mod I use on my Nightmare.
  6. Are .craft files made in 1.0.5 compatible with 1.1, or do we have to make a whole new plane?
  7. Can anyone point me to the download of the F-22 cockpits mod? It's not available on the mod page.
  8. I was testing it against the Yipper, which is fairly maneuverable and speedy, and it won once I tweaked the AI. It uses its lack of brute power (being slow) to get behind the planes and shoot with Vulcans, then switches to AIM-9 missiles once the plane is farther away. I can see how it does have a light armament though. I will add your suggestions, and see how it does. Thanks! EDIT: How's this? https://kerbalx.com/Jakerblam22/Nightmare
  9. Formal entry: Nightmare I look forward to dying in a hail of bullets, missiles and in some case lasers. I would like to thank everyone that helped me (me, myself, I, @NotAnAimbot, and @g00bd0g) for everything! https://kerbalx.com/Jakerblam22/Nightmare
  10. Thing is, the AI won't go between 150m and 600m for minimum height. I would have turned down the min height, but if it's at 150m the plane will crash.
  11. So I just tested my Nightmare against the Yipper, and I troubleshot while in the air. Yipper won 2-1, and I need some suggestions. When I start the competition, planes take off as usual, but mine doesn't get up to its minimum height (should be at 600m) while going to start position, so it feels it has to vertically climb to 600m then fight. This lost me a couple fights.The fluke that my plane actually got to 600m before the beginning, I won due to my plane being ready. What should I do to keep this from happening?
  12. So I have discovered that I was not on the latest version of BDA, and have updated the kerbalx page: https://kerbalx.com/Jakerblam22/Nightmare Mostly looking for AI pilot edit suggestions, still holding off on entering this. Thanks all!
  13. sorry accidental resubmit @inigma I am holding off for now to have someone else's opinion on the plane
  14. Modified version: https://kerbalx.com/Jakerblam22/Nightmare Can't believe I didn't notice that before, sorry. I think I fixed it, there was another problem with a few amraams, where after firing, they would blow me up instead of the baddies. That has been fixed too. Any other feedback appreciated!
  15. Anybody want to test my plane? I would like some feedback/suggested edits. Thanks! https://kerbalx.com/Jakerblam22/Nightmare Maybe my future submission, the Nightmare.
  16. I like the logo, think the "missile" shaped part is a nice idea. I think it could use more of a "royalty" thing to go with the King of the Hill idea, though. You guys are going to ignore me because I haven't submitted anything, but I'm working on that.
  17. I have a plane that I like, and feel is maneuverable enough, but I can't get it to hold enough missiles,because I am using the FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin as a main wing. This doesn't support enough missiles for me (only holds maybe 6 missiles total), and my computer REALLY sucks so I am trying to keep part count as low as possible. Any suggestions?
  18. Hello all! First post, putting it here because I feel it is relevant. I feel as if "locked" turrets are acceptable for the most part, but what about the .50 cal turrets? They don't seem like they do too much damage, but they do have nearly unlimited turning range. Maybe you could allow .50 cals to turn at least a little bit, to offset the damage deficiency?
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