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Everything posted by Missingno200

  1. I wanted to get my friend into KSP, and so I thought I'd direct him to download the demo, only to find that the demo is mysteriously missing from my searches. I know it exists, I just don't know where to get it, so where can I get it?
  2. Reminds me of the time you could see the Millennium Falcon outside of the cockpit of said ship. Sorry for the poor image stole it off of a Youtube video
  3. Yeah, I thought something similar had happened, although I originally thought it was from Danny2462(which explains why I couldn't find the example I was looking for.) Thanks for bringing up that video, I'm now going to edit my original post so I can more accurately describe the orbits.
  4. I actually looked there first in order to figure out if it had been discovered already, which was why I posted it here hoping to get someone else who might've known what had happened with my description(it's also how I determined the glitch to be a kraken), but thank you for the effort anyways.
  5. Maybe then. I'll try 1.2 again to see if I can reproduce the glitch using that mod(along with the other mods I was likely using at the time,) although something tells me that I didn't have that mod in 2016 but sometime shortly after 2016.
  6. Hm, guess I was mistaken then. My bad. Your name does seem really familiar, like I've used one of your mods extensively in the past.
  7. Hey, wait a minute, I think I had your IVA fix mod installed when this happened. Certainly would explain why your name seemed familiar in more ways than just one.
  8. The glitch may be reproducable, I'm going through trying to remember which mods I had installed by looking at old videos I had posted at the time and looking at mods that would've interested past me, but yeah, maybe not reproducable anymore. Either way, fits a kraken's description, destroys ships and physics alike, as well as doing a few other things. I've seen older glitches get names, but you do hold a point. I posted to, in part, see if anyone else would say they've felt the effects of this outlandish kraken too, because I don't like being alone when it comes to experiencing things, new and old.
  9. If it was a one time glitch, it wouldn't have persisted past the time it happened, but it happened persistently no matter how many times I rebooted. I sort of put it on the backburner instead, picking up a different game to play through because it'd take me weeks to reinstall KSP, I distinctly remember that screenshot alone took a good half hour to upload thanks to my internet at the time, which was dial-up. (I totally forgot I even owned this account until now.) I do not believe that's how necroing works but honestly, that name does have a nice ring to it. I'll save it for something else later, maybe.
  10. This one is a bit hard to explain, so bear with me. I didn't save any pictures minus the one here and sadly never actually saved the modlist or the copy of the glitched game, so I'm going off of my memory here, but here's what I remember. Late at night, in late 2016, I was playing KSP for a while on my old laptop, which a few months ago experienced a hard drive failure so I can't get the mod list from it anymore. I was playing KSP normally, until I noticed that the ship I was trying to rendezvous with had suddenly disappeared from my sight, and the targetting indicator was going extremely wild. "Well that's weird." I looked at my speed and it had suddenly gone from its orbital speeds of 2000+ m/s to around... 100 m/s and it was telling me that I was over the surface of something. Definitely not right, because last time I checked, I was in HKO, trying to get to my HKO resupply station for the trek to Duna. That's when I opened my map. All the planets orbits had gone into a more square formation and kept flickering in and out(a similar result was achieved by Hazard-ish in 1.0 when editing the aerodynamics, although I swear mine was more hectic than this.) It was a mess. All orbiting vehicles were screwed too, because they had all been slowed down by the atmospheres of flickering planets. A couple of satellites I switched to(when I finally could switch to them, it was a hard time trying to convince the game that no, I wasn't applying thrust at all) experienced RUD. upon loading in, and the one that didn't was already doomed because it was basically slingshotted out of existence for all the orbits cared. I noped the heck out and loaded the KSC only to discover, to my horror, that the terrain was terribly warped and unrecognizable. I backed out of the game, and snapped the only screenshot I ever did. Before I closed the game though, there was something else. There was a hangar, I think the inline one, just... Randomly on the title screen. No rhyme or reason. I rebooted the game a few days later, to see if it fixed anything, and the only difference was that the Mun was back. That was it. Kerbin was just... Obliterated off of the face of the title screen, and the graphics were garbled. That one also had a hangar, although it was on the game select part of the menu and it was a MK3(I think) hangar instead of the inline one. Only two kerbals showed up on the title screen. Trying to launch ANYTHING was basically impossible, and this affected ALL saves. Starting a new save just crashed it. To this day, I only have this screenshot to prove it, and I'm frustrated I didn't get any other screenshots, because then I'd have more proof. I dunno, what do you guys think? It's definitely a kraken, it destroyed my ships(and my save files), but it also affected the rest of the game. And what should I call this thing? I think it should get a name, if only for just how bizarre and mind breaking it was to me. For those of you who didn't click the link earlier, here's the only screenshot I have left of this entire ordeal, posted to Steam on December 2nd, 2016.
  11. I had bought the original copy, but by some odd database leak or something, I had to rebuy it. I don't have my email that I used for everything prior to July 2013, as I deleted it for my GMAIL accounts. I'm at a dead-end situation. Still okay though, I will sell out for buying the DLC.
  12. What about us Steam users who bought during early access, will we get any DLC? I'm assuming not, which is okay, I can always buy it, but I bought the first day KSP released on Steam.
  13. We haven't made any deals yet. Hopefully I'll get a deal. In the meantime I'm going to work on the game fire.
  14. WOULD LOVE this mod in 1.2. I'm willing to strike a deal. I'll upgrade your mod for expiremental builds and you can... er... let me include it into my mod that I'll be building soon.
  15. Best moderator ever. I'm not even kidding.

  16. ... oh. I wonder why I never realized that. Whatever, I'm talking to one of the staff right now. He suggested a possible drop down thing next to the downloads, and default is newest.
  17. Sorry... I put the edit there so others would know, but seriously, normally devs upload multiple legacy copies... not in a changelog mind you, more like multiple spacedock posts. Now I don't know how spacedock works myself but it supposedly works very similiar to kerbalstuff and kerbalstuff DID NOT have that feature, so they often did like github or multiple kerbalstuff posts. Also:When you're playing a version much earlier to 1.0.5, who's gonna give you that version? Obviously not spacedock, cuz you'd have to reupload every mod through a lengthy process. Why not just shove it (ALL VERSIONS) into a .zip and ship it as a mediafire download? Now, we all have our opinions, so not trying to cause a flame war here, but let's be logical:Spacedock ruined my old way, so I'm sorry for seeming very cranky. (Also I had a chain of events this morning that made my day worse, soooooooo, I was already logically speaking cranky.) Also, thanks for the suggestion and sorry for what might be just a bunch of ramblings and rants mashed together.
  18. I mean this is just a suggestion and all, but can we have a legacy build center? Not all of us are using the steam version, and by god this is the most infuriating thing when I cannot use 1.0.5 with 1.1 mods. It's USELESS. Edit:Just found out(While this was being moderated) that if you go to changelogs on spacedock, you can see the older versions. WHO'S GOING TO SEE THAT THOUGH? Like, I'd like a legacy builds tab instead please.
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