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    Guess Who’s Back
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  1. So I was uploading the next pics of WWK to imgur, and I saw this:


    So apparently the internet providers of the world are trying to make us pay money to let them watch what we do. Basically "You give us money, and we invade your privacy." I'm up for this fight.. What say you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarkOwl57


      Mind if I move into your house for a few millennia? XD

    3. MiffedStarfish


      "The European Parliament has just voted in favor of a new law that would prevent similar issues occurring in Europe. The legislation calls for all internet traffic to be treated equally, "without discrimination, restriction or interference, independent of the sender, receiver, type, content, device, service or application."

      Im trying really hard to not look smug. XD

    4. TotallyNotHuman


      Net neutrality already isn't a thing where I live. :(

      I'd hate for the US to become…here.

      You're damn right I'm up for this fight, even though I'm not American.

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