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Status Replies posted by ISE

  1. I think I'm saying goodbye to modding KSP. ;.;

    Can't say whether or not I'll come back. I'm going to start modding other games like Skyrim and possibly EU4.

    See yah!

  2. getPY69.png

    Sorry I know this isn't the place for pornographic images... but here you go :sticktongue:

    1. ISE


      She is going to be fully reusable 

      Single Staged too! 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Quote of the day:

    "I'm interested in man's march into the unknown but to vomit in space is not my idea of a good time. Neither is a fiery crash with the vomit hovering over me."

    William Shatner
    (Mar 22, 1931 -         )
    Quote taken in an interview regarding an offer by Richard Branson to fly on Virgin Galactic, Daily Mail newspaper, 6 September 2006.

    William Shatner is a Canadian actor, author, producer, and director. In his seven decades of television, Shatner became a cultural icon for his portrayal of James T. Kirk, Captain of the USS Enterprise, in the Star Trek franchise. He has written a series of books chronicling his experiences playing Captain Kirk and being a part of Star Trek, and has co-written several novels set in the Star Trek universe. He has written a series of science fiction novels called TekWar, which were adapted for television. (Wikipedia Commons)

    1. ISE


      Hmmm one does not escape earth without the force of some machine that does exactly that. Hehe :sticktongue:

  4. Uh... I've got a problem... 

    I finally decided to change my avatar (which should have happened a long time ago...), but now it says it's too big, when it wasn't before. :/ 

    1. ISE


      Send it to me, and I will try to get you set up! :) 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Quote of the day:

    Even if we never reach the stars by our own efforts, in the millions of years that lie ahead it is almost certain that the stars will come to us. Isolationism is neither a practical policy on the national or cosmic scale. And when the first contact with the outer universe is made, one would like to think that Mankind played an active and not merely a passive role—that we were the discoverers, not the discovered.

    Arthur C. Clarke
    (Dec 16, 1917 - Mar 19, 2008)
    in The Exploration of Space, 1951

    1. ISE


      as long as we aren't met by our own dying sun, than I'm all for it! :) but i would rather be discovering, instead of the discovered. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Nice background on your profile. The Orion Drive, I assume?

    1. ISE


      I know, its a shame. Kennedy did not like the idea of it, but it had burst of potential.  And came so close to major construction of the project. :( 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Nice background on your profile. The Orion Drive, I assume?

    1. ISE


      indeed it is, good eye!:wink:

      And thank you :) 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Happy forth of Jool-y everybody!

    Oh, and expect a chapter with a big fireworks show tomorrow in one of my mission reports! Today I'm busy though.

  9. 20,000 tons was solved with a little whackjob engineering and a lot of books to read while waiting for stuff. 

    Then I got bored. And KSP crashed waaaaaay to many times.

    The current ship I'm designing (which ludicrously big) is called the ISPH. In Space Plane Hanger. Basically a giant hanger/space city thing. It's designed as a rescue ship for everything. The Creativity should be able to fit inside it. Also it's about 50% as big as the SPH... 

    First to guess the weight gets... Ummm... Bragging rights? I guess?

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