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Everything posted by Kepler68

  1. I can do better, /give SparkyFox minecraft:hug 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999x10E999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
  2. We have a hug thread!!! Also welcome back EDIT: hug thread
  3. Finally no creative! I can't wait to get an actual economy on the server, are we restricted to the jobs like fireman or can we open a shop?
  4. Why can't you play together?
  5. https://goo.gl/images/0ac3LN phew crisis adverted
  7. im not going to be on for the next few days because Pokemon game so.... yay mk saves bandwidth!
  8. There is a 20 minute afk timer so if you're going to wait for more than that just disconnect. Don't eat mk's bandwidth because http://imgur.com/ZI255Xn
  9. its been an hour now, i think I'm just gonna go to bed and it'll reset in the morning. goodnight
  10. i think its someone trying to join without knowing about the whitelist i can't get in rn though I'm waiting for the afk timer because glitch also sorry @aorlando about accidentally ditching you. did you get a box? ok @MK3424 it has been 10 minutes and my server thing still says i am online but I'm not. my wifi crashed and i don't think the server realized so it left me on. i have been waiting for the afk timer but it has been 10 minutes and nada so can you really quickly kick me manually to try to fix it?
  11. @ZooNamedGames kick me real quick, my wifi crashed and the server didn't get the message
  12. There is a whitelist so you need to talk to @SparkyFox and @MK3424
  13. Well you will have to spend a few years making the nexus 2.0 and by then mojang will have released the ended shulker box and you can get started on the nexus 3.0 youll also have to pay for MKS house when you make the server so hot and laggy it burns his house down with combustible lemons
  14. zero turns it off right? also, WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE an unknown culprit stole 23 diamonds from @Dfthu they may either return the diamonds or be executed! you are assumed guilty until proven innocent!!!
  15. noooooo i just got a punch bow and tried to fly only to realize pvp is off
  16. Okay I'll get you 4 emeralds in addition to the diamonds
  17. sparky is 4 diamonds ok for a mending book? EDIT: also a million thanks to whoever put this stuff here:http://imgur.com/a/LwqGC do i need to pay you back at all?
  18. I think they would extend out to the barrier so if you wanted to find all the millions of them you should also look for the millions of desert/jungle temples or the millions of nether forteresses Theoretically because mk runs the server he has access to the vanilla commands like /seed earlier in the thread so technically he could do it but he probably won't.
  19. You and me both. except mine seems to come in waves
  20. You get a free one and I'll get a free one before they're gone!!!
  21. The kick after 10 minutes is meant to get rid of people who left their game running by accident. Because they aren't playing, they don't need the bandwidth. It doesn't matter if they are movingly or not, just if they're playing or not
  22. But the US gets Pokémon sun and moon before Europe
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