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delta wee

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Everything posted by delta wee

  1. I think I'll probably have to make my own mod which let's you type in the exact thrust you want, limiting thrust on the engine still requires a mouse. Thanks for the suggestions.
  2. I would like to be able to precisely control the throttle level on my rocket, instead of using the SHIFT and CTRL keys to control the throttle. Is there a way to do this, or a mod that does this? I want to do this because I want to precisely control the ascent profile of the rocket and compare different ascents.
  3. I'm seeing that the TWR of the upper stage starts at .25 G, and has around a 20 min burn time. This TWR seems to be too small and I'm unable to get the SLS to orbit. Is a 20 min burn time for the upper stage normal? Edit: I did get the SLS1B to orbit finally, and got around 60 metric tons into a 525 km x 511 km orbit, is that close to the expected LEO capability of the SLS1B?
  4. I'm not seeing the Real Solar System mod in CKAN v1.16.1 for KSP 1.1.0. Is the CKAN mod repository for KSP 1.1.0 yet to be updated with the latest RSS?
  5. Is the Real Fuels mod required for the SLS to launch? I connected all the parts but still get no delta-v showing up in the K.E.R. display.
  6. How do we connect the fuel lines from the tanks to the engines at the bottom?
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