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    Kelpogartian Patriot
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  1. Little late, but since people are still looking for it, 1.9.1 version is still on Taniwha's github: https://github.com/taniwha/Kethane
  2. ... Doing a fresh install to the drive that I share between my windows and linux partitions, then installing the 'clean set' of mods, then seeing if something generates from all of my OS boots. If not, filing an issue on the Squad forums.
  3. I just realised what could be done, simply. KSP Interstellar Extended already handles updated tech levels. If you make a version with KSP-IE as a requirement, and piggyback your mods on their tech tree, you could provide that with minimal effort & update requirement.
  4. Well, nearly fifteen hours later I figured out something, though why is beyond me. That output_log.txt hasn't been updated since April 2016. Where else would the log be dispensed to?
  5. @TaxiService Your guess is probably better than mine. Got my login fixed, swapping from my 300+ mods build in a minute, then heading to file a report.
  6. Alright; so, I'm seeing in CTT that you'd have to shuffle some of the nodes around a little, or do as the ETT does and switch the 'future tech' stuff to a new branch/direction. Not sure if the changes would mesh well with CTT as it updates, though.
  7. Caught that pun, I did. I should organise to do it as well at some point. Still have to go through the CRP to find ratios for my convert-o-tron adjustments.
  8. Yes, trillions of meters. I've been using Galactic Neighborhood, which has several unique stars to play around with. I'd be happy to use TST, but it causes EVE to bug out on my system for reasons unknown, and I'm already having to debug RemoteTech as it is (which, for some odd reason is saying I'm using KSP 1.1)
  9. @JPLRepo Oh! Sorry, my communications get scatterbrained if I sleep poorly. I meant the distances that the stars were at; in the Tm range, not just the Gm range, and I was thinking of working on another telescope, later in the tree, with increased range, for extrastellar research. Otherwise it's awkward trying to travel across the interstellar void to reach a star when you can't plot course; a lot of swing-and-miss range.
  10. Hah, have loved the mod, it's an amazing tip of the hat to science fiction dramas. My issue is, unfortunately, that it's too early in the CTT for my tastes; I'd be far happier if there were a "science fiction" length for mods like this and the Albecurie. For a light-hearted playthrough, it definitely fits the bill for a science-fiction theme.
  11. @JPLRepo Thanks for the clarification - average of 5-30Tm, so a little beyond that. Rather than updating the list, I might get around to experimenting with an expansion for this. Meanwhile, thanks! I'm enjoying the mod at 1.2.2.
  12. Running various Kopernicus mods in conjunction with this, such as Galactic Neighborhood. Targeting bodies in orbit around other stars (or the other stars themselves) brings a message of "You require a more powerful telescope". Is there one in the mod that can be researched? Or is that on it's own?
  13. @TaxiService o_o I'm running KSP, and installed RemoteTech v1.8.6 via CKAN. Confirmed it's completely removed, giving it another go in a few before I have to get back to things. Updated to a second output_log, but github is giving me grief for logging in. I'll file a proper bug report there when I can. Definitely confirmed using only RTv1.8.6 and KSP
  14. @Sigma88 Not yet. Before your curiosity about it's interactions on GN, I had uninstalled at something akin to 3am with intention to eventually get back to doing a proper report to them. Was in the SEP thread that I realised that it was RT causing my SEP problems, hence my mention there.
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