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Posts posted by MavMcLeod

  1. Hmm, I'm a little bit lost here: I downloaded and installed the 1.7.11 version some weeks ago. That gave me a "000_toolbar" folder with a handfull of files.

    Today I wanted to upgrade this to the lates 1.7.12 version and opening the .zip I found 3 folders and 4 files. Unsure where to put that stuff.... :^/

    CKAN was no help as 1.7.11 is still stated as latest version.... help... please....


    While I'm asking... Is there any way to relocate the stock toolbar?


    Thaks for any help,

    I'm Maverick McLeod - fly safe!

  2. 1 hour ago, AlphaAsh said:

    Incidentally, I may have narrowed the issue down to StageRecovery.

    LOL, last 2 hours I was testing on an unmodded version of KSP 1.1.1230 only installing KK, Toolbar, KSP-AVC and the 4 outdated mods I use (AlarmClock, CrowdSourcedScience, KramaxAutoPilot and StageRecovery).....

    It's definitely "StageRecovery"..... by installing it after KK the KK buttons and the "Recover Vessel" button stop working .

    Ahhh! Still, I hate not to be able to use it... so nice to get money back for stages w/ chute....


    So, looks like I have to spend some in-game money to use KK.... should be worth it!


    I'm Mav McLeod - fly safe!


    PP: Btw, here's the KSP.log:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/1vwjfw8xe4n36tz/KSP.log?dl=0

  3. Ok, seems to work partly: When I hover over the button "KK" in the VAB I get the message "Selected launchsite is Launch pad!".....


    De-installing via CKAN and manually installing the content from this download http://www.alphastrikegames.com/FileDepot/KerbalKonstructs- didn't change a thing....

    So, no KK for me... ;.;

    24 minutes ago, AlphaAsh said:

    Also I need KSP.log, not output_log.txt.


    Here you go...

  4. One strage thing on my install: Whenever I load Kerbal Konstructs the "Recover Vessel" button in flight mode stops working. 

    I install lates KK via CKAN, start KSP 64bit, new career, small craft w/ scientist direction water, successfull landing and try to press "Recover Vessel" - nothing happens. I have to quit to space center, click on the craft and recover it from there. So I

    quit KSP, de-install KK via CKAN,start KSP 64bit, new career, small craft w/ scientist direction water, successfull landing and try to press "Recover Vessel" - craft gets recovered....


    In addition the "KK" buttone does not work for me. Nothing happens when I click on it.

    Here's the link to the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/imekgocto11p0jg/output_log.txt?dl=0


    I'm Mav McLeod - fly safe!

  5. 1st: Thanks for your work on an awesome mod... 

    On 2.1.2015 at 6:45 PM, SpaceTiger said:

    It works out of the box with DMagic Orbital Science....

    Hmm, just did some test run with ASS 1.0.1 and I could not get it to work with US MystGoo, US J-9001 Science Jr. or Magnetometer Boom (all by DMOS). As the last one is also not working I don't think it's US causing trouble.

    All the stock science like multiple crew reports, MystGoo Container and J-9001 Science Jr. are working fine.


    Also, could you please specify what the different options (No of Threshold, reset experiments, , etc.) do? E.g. does "Reset experiment" only work if a scientist is on bord? 


    My name is Mav McLeod... fly safe!

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