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Davian Lin

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Everything posted by Davian Lin

  1. Oohh... I was warned about the bugs. I would have left while the old EVE. Though not so many opportunities, but very proven option. And with the new EVE to wait until the release of new versions of KSP 1.3...
  2. No, Iain is much closer than Narath, and Narath in the screenshots.
  3. Beautiful! With clouds and lightnings these planets will look even more beautiful!
  4. My new screenshots of planet from KSS 0.5. https://imgur.com/a/Fbytv
  5. You can moving the spaceport on Taythe or Blalo of mod KerbinSide by rewriting the configs, location, and height of the spaceport. And start playing!
  6. (Unofficial) Trailer of KSS 0.5 (with EVE & Scatterer) thx to @StarCrusher96
  7. Yes, it's lightning. They will also be on other planets. I spent a lot of time to transfering them to the new EVE.
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