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Everything posted by Aphyx

  1. It's happening with a Antimatter Reactor attached too...
  2. Hi Freethinker, it's the same setup i used with for the tank bug. Use any command pod. Attach a thermal electric generator to it and it will float. I'm pretty sure it is related to the fix for the tank bug, as it wasn't the case before that one was fixed. Thank you, best regards
  3. @FreeThinker Thank you for the anti-gravity Fix yesterday! Keep up the great work. I just noticed that this is happening now for the Plasma Thermal electric generator in a Size of 2.5m. The vessel floates around just like it was the case for the tanks before.
  4. Thank you for your reply. The log isn't showing any exceptions. I made two new, more clear Screenshots for you, to reproduce the issue. The first one shows the setup to reproduce: You just need a lander pod, a 1.250m Interstellar Fuel Tank 48 (sorry, 1.875 was wrong, it's 1.250m) and two stability enhancers. Once you release the stability enhancers. The construction won't fall down to the ground. It just rotates and flips around, just like it is fixed by something near it's center of mass: Best regards
  5. I made a Screenshot of the issue: I just configured a mk2 cockpit with two interstellar fuel tanks x24 scaled down to 1.875 diameter. The stability enhancers are disconnected, but the object stays in place and just rotates. This happens for every configuration where i am using insterstellar fuel tanks with a diameter of 1.875. With a bigger size, it is not happening. Best regards
  6. Hi Everybody, i noticed a Problem with Interstellar Extended Fueltanks when they are changed in size. They seem to be physically fixed in the space and not able to move by any acceleration. I would provide an image to demonstrate the behaviour, but as this i my first post with a new generated account, i'm not able to upload an image before my accound is approved by a moderator. Best regards Aphyx
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