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[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Congrats on the great run Wrench, I see you went for dropping bombs on it until it vanished from existence. Well it would seem I need to cut short the R&D team's vacation... I've got a title that I'm not going to lose lying down. That and I need to stop building pansy civilian aircraft and get back to making death incarnate. Look out for something new rolling out of the KDS hangers when I get a chance between college and flying planes IRL . Till then, fly safe. -
[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Holy hand grenades Batman! I just saw you craft and firstly... JUST A FEW BOMBS?! and secondly damn I'm loving the design, especially the mixed forward and backward swept wing combo! I'm more than happy to accept any and all challengers, especially you and MunGazer! I honestly want my score to inspire people to challenge me so i say BRING IT ON!!! In my absence I've been playing around with all sorts of things including carrier landings using Aircraft Carrier Accessories and I think you're right on the ball with the idea of getting all of those bombs dropped at the same time to get astronomical heat damage so go for it. Honestly its been lonely up here at the top of the leaderboard and could use some company beyond Deathpuff12, no offence. If you want any input from a rival company I'd be more than happy to help any way I can, and that applies to everyone KDS has (mostly) nothing to hide ...no Werner now it not the time to talk about nukes or napalm or whatever crazy idea you've gotten...SHOOOO. -
[1.3.1] Carrier Vessel Expansion (CVX) [ver 0.13.1]
Lonogan1 replied to Eskandare's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Hey so I installed this mod and am having an odd bug with the carriers. No matter what I do I can't get any craft build with the parts from this mod to turn in the water. I built a carrier with the parts from this mod and launched it w/ hyper edit and the included rudders physically could not cause it to turn regardless of speed. Even SRBs mounted to the bow and stern could not make my carrier turn . If anyone knows of a solution that would be great since this mod looks awesome but a carrier that can't turn is useless to me. -
[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Hey so I was wondering what people's opinions on multiple submissions is? The options that I was thinking of were either allowing multiple submissions that all can vie for a chance on the leaderboard, old school arcade game leaderboard style, or make it so that only one attempt can be active for the leaderboard per-person but they can re-sub if they get a better run later on after their original posting. I'm bringing this up because building BD Armory fighters and bombers is kinda what I do on KSP and this challenge has really gotten my creative juices flowing... and well if I'm not careful I'll just end up building 20 something different planes for this and I don't want to be that guy who just plasters his name up and down the leaderboard. A possible solution for this is make a second submission option where the person just shows their design without scoring it so that they (mainly myself) can show their ideas w/o spamming the LB. On a less spam happy note since we've seen Eidahlil build a craft that uses low cost to get a high score and I've build a craft that uses crazy damage to get a high score it would be awesome to see someone try to build a craft that gets its score mainly from ridiculous speed. Like hypersonic speeds, Mach 5+. Speed is 50% of the score weighting after all and it would be a shame if people ignored it to obsess over the biggest explosions. I'm trying to get a friend to join the challenge and he might be going the speed route but I'd love to see other people's takes on the challenge. Hell lets get Scott Manley or Nexter in on this if we can! Just don;t invite Danny2642 or he will just Kraken his way to victory. Also has anyone seen the new model for the X-43 "Hyperblast" Scramjet from Mk2 Expansion?! I AM DROOLING!!!!!! -
[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Now that I've gotten some sleep I just went back and looked at your video... damn my tired self. I finally saw the value you used as your score. I feel like a total doof. My bad for making something of literally nothing other than my sleep deprivation XD When North Kerbin Dynamics updates I'm probably going to try dropping the biggest non-nuclear bomb I can find to see what insanity it causes I just need a plane first... BILL, BOB, JEB!!! TIME TO GET TO WORK!!! EDIT: NKD is scheduled to have its 1.2.x beta release some time today!!!!! Brace you anuses mien Kerbals! -
[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
I had a feeling that after I posted my scores that you would say something like that. I don't want to turn this thread into the two of us having a flame war over scores. All I was saying is that I saw you post a damage score that I did not see while watching your video and was wanting to know if it was an honest mistake on your part in either editing the video or a math/rules mistake. If it came across as an accusation of cheating/lying I am serenely sorry, it was not my intent, I was making that post very late at night so I was not choosing my words very carefully. Again, I did not mean to accuse cheating or lying, my intent was only to try to make you and MunGazer aware of what appeared to be an error and I am sorry if it seemed like an accusation of dishonestly. As to my miracle, its simply a difference in scale. You dropped a very good payload of 6 x 500 lbs and a went into the absurd and dropped 12 x 1000 lbs (approx 4 times the payload weight) from a smaller aircraft, while timing them so that all 12 bombs hit at the exact same time (as apposed to your salvo drop). I actually should give you some credit, if it wasn't for your entry I would probably have tried to use maverick missiles and have gotten a much poorer score. I liked the way you used the bombs and was inspired to arm my craft similarly (multiple bombs dropped in salvo, which evolved into dropping all 12 at once) after my testing of 1 JDAM was showing scores approx 1/10th of your score. I just went a lot more Kerbal (absurd levels of crazy) with it than your quite realistic approach. -
[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Thanks man. Yeah I was derping around testing weapons on the target craft at the KSC and I was like flip it lets just bolt 12 JDAMs onto this little attacker and see how much pain can make... was not disappointed in the least. I was afraid that the drag from all those bombs would hurt my time but surprisingly increasing it from one JDAM (what i had on it in testing) to twelve only cost about 50 seconds in time for a crazy amount of damage points. WORTH IT! Designing military crafts in KSP is kinda my thing so the craft for this only took me like 10 mins to throw together but still took hours to fine tune XD. Part of my secret to getting that much damage was a set up and action group to fire all 12 bombs all at the exact same time so that none of the bombs were exploded mid air by others hitting the target first. I'm going to crash now but I might see if I can find other crazy ways to do this challenge even though I've gotten a score that I honestly never though I could come close too. Might try seeing if i can go Speed of Heat (Mach 5+) or nuking it from orbit with missiles... idk time to pass out... Fly "safe" enough ladies and gents. EDIT: also just realized I forgot to mention that I used Mechjeb on my craft as well (for flight data) flew it by hand though... I don't trust Mechjeb with my airplanes. especially at Mach 4 -
[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Well guys and galls I think I broke the challenge ... My attempt: http://imgur.com/gallery/IZPwP Time: 427 Seconds (max speed of approx 1300 m/s or Mach 4.2 according to Mechjeb) Damage: 5 896 039 (Heat) !!! Cost: 33 197 Funds A = (826/427) * (50) = 96.72131147540984 B = (5896039/60209) * (30) = 2937.78621136375 C = (96617/33197) * (20) = 58.20827183179203 A + B + C = 3092.715794670952 Jeb, Bill, and Bob all just earned themselves a VERY tall cool one Mods Used: Tweakscale , BD Armory Continued, Mechjeb (For flight data only), and Airplane Plus (For the half length fuel tank in the nose) -
[1.2.xx] Supersonic Bomber Challenge
Lonogan1 replied to MunGazer's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Kerbal Defense Systems (KDS) Aerospace accepts your challenge! Work on a new supersonic attacker shall begin post-haste! Get to it Bill and Bob or no snacks! Also I was looking at DoctorDavinci's entry, it being the top score atm after all, and noticed a very large damage score on his entry but I didn't see anything close to that heat damage in his posted video... I don't want to be pointing fingers but I think either a mistake was made in his calculations (or understanding or the scoring system) or I'm being blind and not seeing the value in his video...it is almost 3 AM so my eyes might be dead. EDIT: I have been doing some testing at the KSC against the same target craft with Snake Eyes (same weapon DoctorDavinci used) and have not gotten over 71 320, best case, when a damage of 171 243 is listed in their post. Again I am not trying to point fingers I am just trying to solve what appears to be an error. Anyhow, I will hopefully have a lovely supersonic attacker for you fine Kerbal killers tomorrow if Jeb doesn't crash the prototype to badly. -
1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2
Lonogan1 replied to sirkut's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thanks for the suggestion for how to fix the wing sweeping issues I'll have to try that when I get a chance but my main issue isn't with swing wing craft, what was shown, but rather with craft that have rotating parts like the Osprey VTOL or folding wings on carrier aircraft like the F-18 and such. What prompted me to make my earlier post was an attempt to create a replica of the trainer aircraft from the anime A Pilot's Love Song in which the entire main wing pivots 90 degrees and my attempts to do so were ending with the engines (mounted on the wing tips) touching the ground due to the wings sagging. I managed to jury rig a solution with some structural girders and a bunch of struts but the wing still lurches when pitching or changing throttle rapidly, and the wing slides forward whenever the engines are running. Also I did read back a few pages but it was late at night and I was frustrated but my issues with the craft so I apologize for posting about an old issue. Images of my replica for reference: (couldn't figure out how to insert then into the text so I linked) http://imgur.com/LN0EtjA http://imgur.com/Iy29Den -
1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2
Lonogan1 replied to sirkut's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I have been having a long running issue with IR when building aircraft in KSP. Whenever I attach a part to a rototron or hinge to make the wing folding (for carrier operations) or swing wing (i.e. F-14) the wing usually becomes structurally unstable and can be subject to wild flapping and/or spinning but the most usual problem is the wing just goes limp at the IR part and sits with the wing tip on the runway. I have been experimenting with fixes and have tried KJR but the only success i have had is with a custom bomb bay that used two sets of hinges and MANY struts and a VTOL with rotating wings that only flops a little (also many struts used). I love the options that IR adds to the game and have had decent luck with it in space but this issue with wing flop is making it hard to build a lot of ideas I am having. If anyone has a solution it would be a life saver as I haven't been able to find a fix myself. -
[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23
Lonogan1 replied to BahamutoD's topic in KSP1 Mod Development refers to the version of BDArmory not the version of KSP it is built for, its an easy mistake to make since moders don't standardize their thread names. -
[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23
Lonogan1 replied to BahamutoD's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
So I'm sorry if someone has already asked this but I saw nothing posted on the past few pages. I am running the latest version of BDA in 1.1.2 which I know is currently unsupported and am getting a very strange bug. The Oerlikon Millennium Cannon (Flak Cannon) is, for me, firing with the same fire rate, sound ,and visual effects as the CIWS even though in its .cfg it is listing pathing to Parts/oMillennium/Sounds for example. I have tested it and it is also doing the same damage that the CIWS causes. Also, I am not sure if this is a change I have missed or what but I swear before it was using the tank shell amo and not it is using 30mm amo... idk that's might have just been me being unobservant. Any help finding a fix for the projectile error on the Millennium would be nice because I am trying to set up some ground attack scenarios and not having flak guns is going to make defending a lot harder. Thanks in advance! -
[1.9.x] Mouse Aim Flight (1.1.3) - Pilot airplanes with your mouse!
Lonogan1 replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thanks for the tips for ImprovedChaseCam I'm going to try that next time a play KSP. Its great having a mod dev who is working with the community like you are -
[1.9.x] Mouse Aim Flight (1.1.3) - Pilot airplanes with your mouse!
Lonogan1 replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I second this! The camera following the mouse in war thunder is one of the things that I have been missing using this mod so if this could be done it would be great. Also would it be possible to add some sort of freecam button like war thunder, or at least an option to make the camera snap back to the mouse after looking around?