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Everything posted by Bananders

  1. I'm just gonna link the original post by SpannerMonkey(smce) Link
  2. You wish! @inigma - I've been working on a MK.3 variant of the Nightingale and I was wondering if I could put that into the roster, just in in case my current fighter gets sabotaged and loses.
  3. can you upload it to kerbalx, please? it looks kinda like a flying steam locomotiv
  4. Since i'm not yet on the list of registered belligerents, i'll take this opportunity to update my aircraft. https://kerbalx.com/Bananders/Crown-Nightingale-mk2 also, please add me
  5. I'm glad i could help! Also, i got bored this evening and used an hour or so on a WW1 bomber
  6. Small radiator panel (under utility), modular girder segment and mk0 tanks for extra fuel Since BDA uses heat to simulate damage, you could use the radiators to take more hits, if you got the electricity. I haven't done this however.
  7. Alright, i've made so many changes to my entry, that i might as well reintroduce it. Let's hope i can stop fine-tuning everything and get some sleep instead. Nightingale mk1 https://kerbalx.com/Bananders/Crown-Nightingale-mk1
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