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Everything posted by larsmoen

  1. It helps, but it still happens, just less often. And there are still the same references to shader problems and graphics device in the log file. Is that supposed to be like that?
  2. I am experiencing poor fps, around 20, when entering the game. Sometimes, the game starts with 60 fps, but upon entering the VAB, framerate drops. It continues when launching. I have noticed that if I CTRL+ALT+DELETE while the game runs or is paused, the log file shows that the graphics device is lost, and reset. When entering the game again, the framerate is normal, at 60+. This happends both in the VAB and after launching. I also see that there is some shader problems in the start og the log file. Any suggestiongs? Has this been solved already? https://www.dropbox.com/s/6b2krxps40jerxc/output_log.txt?dl=0
  3. I tried a bit myself, and 0.7 indeed seems to be what it is meant to be. Thanks for helping me out!
  4. Allready tried downloading the latest textures, as i did have an outdated pack, and did not work. Never had this problem in 1.0.5. Wonder if it has something to do with the new PQS settings. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6b2krxps40jerxc/output_log.txt?dl=0 Output log. Also experiencing somewhat low fps/stuttering from the start up screen and in gameplay.
  5. Any ideas to why this happens? http://imgur.com/yX0oSfe
  6. The surface of the moon is completely white on my install. Verified on a clean RSS/Kopernicus install. Above 127000m it's fine, and then it gradually changes to completely white from 127000 to 102000. It's most noticable where the sun is directly above the surface. Any ideas? PQS { maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 9 minDetailDistance = 8 deactivateAltitude = 167000 fadeStart = 102000 fadeEnd = 127000
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