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Everything posted by Rhavoreth

  1. Still getting this issue in the latest patch, very similar situation to OP's. Massive duplication of TravelObjectIds blocks, with each event repeating itself thousands of times. It becomes exponential as the safe file grows to the point that once its over a couple of hundred mb's, the save is unusable: Here is an except of one of the pieces of data that gets repeated { "TravelObjectIds": [ "4a1b57f0-56ee-473b-8f5d-950bdc075713", "a7d70165-6e64-4ec2-ae53-128f669705e4", "7b5c52a5-a2f6-427f-a624-c061dc567253", "ffbce690-479a-4b9a-895a-633b629f3fe6", "ffbce690-479a-4b9a-895a-633b629f3fe6", "ffbce690-479a-4b9a-895a-633b629f3fe6" ], "EventKey": "vesselSOIEntered", "UT": 32885750.697483897, "FlightReportArgs": [ "Jool", "Vall" ] }, I believe this growth is happening while creating a new save. Events that would generate an autosave (leaving VAB, entering a new SOI, etc) are all taking a really long time to complete (because the save is huge). Watching the new saves grow confirms this theory. In addition, I also notice an associated spike in RAM usage with the game using over 11gb's at one point just to write a new Save File, before dropping back to a more respectable 5gb while actually playing the game
  2. Hello all, played RP0 a few years back and recently getting back into the mod pack. I have question about probe control distances. I'm not using either of the ComSat mods (mostly because I like to build up to increasing complexity) and currently I have avionics packages that have controllable tonnage, and a maximum range. My thought is that if I were to stick an antenna (say the Communotron 16) on my probe, it would extend the range of the avionics control out to the range of the antenna. This doesn't seem to be the case and I am stuck with the stock range of the avionics, even though I have probe control from the antenna. This means once I get beyond a certain distance from earth I get the 'insufficiant avionics' message pop up. I can fire up engines, perform science experiements etc, but not actually use RCS to orient the probe. My question is whether this is expected behaviour or not? Am I stuck doing LEO missions until I can unlock the next avionics upgrades? Thanks a lot!
  3. Essentially this is Unity having a fit because it can't load the city lights textures as there is no City to attach them to since the texture replacement part of RVE isn't working with the 1.1.2 'hack'. Game should be very playable still.
  4. Make sure you install the latest version of scatterer and EVE first. You'll need V0.0244 of Scatterer and when you get EVE make sure you get the 'AnyCPU-EVE-Release.zip' version of EVE. You don't need the configs, that is what RVE does :). For reference you can get both of them here: Scatterer: http://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer EVE: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/EVE-1.1-1 Next, install both of those as normal. What you need to do now is find the RVE release with scatterer configs included. I use the latest linux 64 version found here: https://github.com/Pingopete/RVE-KSP-1.0.4/tree/Linux64/ Drop the scatterer folder into the GameData, remember to copy and replace your 'planetsList.cfg'. Then drop the RVE folder into your GameData; this folder is the eve configs you'll need for it to work. Everything should work out of the box like that. No need to use Alt + 0 for anything. Just head to the tracking station to see if you've got clouds on Earth. I installed RSS using CKAN, EVE and Scatterer will have to be installed manually.
  5. Since people are wondering about how to get RVE running on 1.1.2, here is how *DISCLAIMER* This is not supported by Pingopete, or at all recommended, This is just what works for me. Use at your own discretion and please do not complain if it doesn't work, or there are bugs. This is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED. You'll need: Latest version of Scatterer Latest version of EVE RVE for KSP v1.0.5 for linux64 (others may work but this is what I tried it with) First install Scatterer and EVE as usual, then drop the scatterer folder into your GameData. This contains the scatterer planet configs for RSS. Finally, drop the RVE folder into your GameData. Currently, texture replacement of Earth isn't working so you are stuck with the stock earth texture, but the cloud layers are working, and scatterer is working. performance is great too.
  6. Haha that took me a bit to figure out too. It doesn't seem right in terms of realism but honestly avionics cores with mass limits aren't a thing IRL anyway. You either have a reaction wheel or a flight computer that can gimball the engines and the mechanism for that would be stored in the engine block
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