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Gordon Dry

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    Trying it again, as the magic happened and RO is on the same KSP version which is the latest.

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  1. Hi.

    Your problem is related to RemoteTech . I'm 99% sure of it.

    The MFI is just a "telephonist", it just redirects calls. Anything that goes wrong after the redirection, is due a problem on the end point. But since MFI is the one that made the redirection, it got itself involved on the stack dump.

    As a side note, I kindly ask :) to reach me here or by mail when something I wrote gots involved in the mess. It will save both of us some… Headaches. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lisias


      Hummm….  I'm seeing the code that throwed the Exception, and it only runs when TweakScale finds a module called "ModuleFuelTanks" on the part.

      I'm inclined to believe that TweakScale is innocent this time. My understanding about KSP is that it throws away orphaned data - so if the vessel was loaded and that part has a ModuleFuelTanks module on it, it must have a DLL that provides such module.

      For my future reference: line 452:


    3. Gordon Dry

      Gordon Dry

      There is no single instance of ModuleFuelTanks inside my MM cache of the last session.

      I also checked all files *.cfg for ModuleFuelTanks if there is a bad config or patch that just adds it. None.


      And fun fact:

      After months of NRE thrown for bluedog.Saturn.VFB.MissionModule as mentioned above - it was fixed just today with such a simple change:

    4. Lisias


      Most of the worst problems have a simple fix! :)

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