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  1. My personal thoughts about this mod- First, I have absolutely no problems with it. It's a great mod. The fact that it creates space shuttles with a lot of interesting and very nice looking components is beautiful. It's just that it doesn't have the same feel as it did back in the old days. Since the shuttle is still built for the old atmosphere of 0.90 and previous versions, the engines and SRBs are overpowered in the non-soupy atmosphere of today. What was capable of 120km orbits at the absolute limit back then (without extensions or refueling, such as the auxiliary fuel supply in the mod) today is capable of maybe 300km or even more. (IDK for sure, I haven't tested it myself) But it's still an excellent addition to the game, overpowered boosters or not. I love the look of the space station parts and the vehicles are SUPERB. (Still getting the hang of flying the Kerbostar) Would recommend it to anyone who wants stuff like this. Plus this version still works with 1.2. (The proper release) Cheers.
  2. Actually, that came stock with version 1.2. Odd, I know.
  3. Yeah. Just to mention it, the download links do not work, they come with an error that the page does not exist and then uses a YAHOO! search with the words within the link. If you could and when you have the time, fix the download links because these ships look AMAZING and I really want to fly them all. EDIT: Yes, I saw the earlier post about simply adding hidden word into the download, but still, these things need proper links as not everyone will look through every post on this thread for a solution.
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