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Burning For New Frontiers

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Everything posted by Burning For New Frontiers

  1. Thanks! Thanks! Unfortunately my rig is sooooooo slow. So, no mods. ;(
  2. Thanks, but I already know that. I'm fiddling with the nodes to place them right, but it's slow as hell, thanks to my laptop's chronic lack of RAM.
  3. I was attempting to mess with the dimensions of a few parts, so I edited scale = 1 to scale = 1 , 4 , 1, to increase the height of the part. Then KSP refused to load the part. Any ideas why ? Am I doing something wrong, or is it just impossible to change only one dimension of a part ?
  4. Ouch man, that's waaaay too many parts. I'm a seasoned veteran of the 1.0 demo, being unfortunately, unable to buy the full game. But any way, I have successfully done a Mun landing, built a modular ship without docking ports, assembled a space station in orbit, constructed a Munar base, built goddamn rovers without wheels, and even successfully waged war with a trio of Frigates. I even managed to build a semi-flyable aircraft. The demo, with its reduced parts, allows me to build 1200 part monstrosities that can lug 100+ tons to orbit, with minimal lag on 2 GB of RAM. So no, the demo is quite enjoyable. But, on the other hand, a few extra parts would be nice. Perhaps the FLT 400 and 800 instead of the 100 and 200, retractable solar panels, and maybe the Terrier. Career mode could either be expanded a bit, or it could be replaced with science mode and a teaser for career. A bigger reaction wheel would be a nice idea too. They could possibly swap the current singlet for a AV R8. I fully agree that the demo must be updated to 1.2. Especially with the Unity Update, and the cool underwater stuff. One more thing. If someone built a KSP version that worked well on 1 GB of total RAM, with less parts and a lower price as a result, I would totally buy it.
  5. Is the actual Taj Mahal that was hit by Doofenshmirtz' Shrinkinator. The structure is the KSC ....
  6. Sells kits for constructing buildings instantly, to feed the growing market provided by this thread. The new building is a mobile, rocket powered Kethane miner and refinery, ....
  7. Fighter, then. 8/10, if my calcs are right. Spartwo, what the hell is that? That thing could probably go toe to toe with a Zokesia Skunkworks ship of similar tonnage! That thing isn't a destroyer, it's a damned Battleship! Anyway, mind giving me the .craft file?
  8. Wow! This thing should really enhance the driving experience. Thanks!
  9. Sorry for the delay, I was out. BTW, I meant weight in orbit. Possibly either a fighter or a corvette- depending upon tonnage, of course.
  10. One Helluva landing. Didn't get the opportunity to watch it though. Go SpaceX! On a side note, I dare somebody to build a Falcon 9 mockup, with a first stage capable of orbit, send the second stage that will push the payload to orbit on its way and land on a Barge.
  11. Nice. I managed to build a Mun rover without wheels. Space Exploration and Explosives Corporation is proud to present a prototype of the under-development Crusher class Death Machine. It can hit 20 m/s easily and carries 14400 electric charge, with a maximum of two possible recharges, due to the non-retractable nature of the panels. Solar panels are activated by pressing 1 and 2. The test run produced some rather, uh, very interesting results : This thing could probably annihilate the entire KSC if you had the time, or a faster computer.
  12. I don't think so. It was a a ship laden with hazardous chemicals exploding at port if my memory serves me right. My bad. It was the Russian N1 Rocket undergoing a RUD on the launch pad on its first test flight. The N1 was definitely designed in the Kerbal way of building a rocket - MOAR BOOSTERS! , MOAR USELESS PARTS! , GIGANTIC EXPLOSION ON TAKE OFF!
  13. Granted. @max_creative helps @DolphinDude3 hurtle the Sun into the REAL Dres. I wish for Donald Trump becoming President.
  14. You know, in my opinion, if automation had been implemented just a bit later than it was actually done, we'd potentially have had an entire industry in space.
  15. Space Exploration and Explosives Corporation is proud to present a prototype of the under-development Crusher class Death Machine. It can hit 20 m/s easily and carries 14400 electric charge, with a maximum of two possible recharges, due to the non-retractable nature of the panels. Solar panels are activated by pressing 1 and 2. The test run produced some rather, uh, very interesting results : This thing could probably annihilate the entire KSC if you had the time, or a faster computer.
  16. Ja. Lifting 75 tons to orbit in the demo is no joke. Neither is building a rover without wheels or docking ships without docking ports.
  17. Sorta kinda, but not really. Oh it's legit. Since the whole vehicle rotates, the physics engine thinks that the R-T is colliding into the ground, causing explosions, and destroying anything with an impact tolerance less than 20 m/s. It's kind of like repeatedly crash landing a tank on a target. It doesn't hurt the KSC Tarmac, but it WILL wreck the launchpad, runway and any building it crashes into. As for posting, I'll do it tomorrow- my PC time is over. You might not want to copy the actual vessel though-concept works better with full game parts.
  18. That reminds me-if you ever need a weapon of mass destruction, you've got my Rover-Thing. Tarmac always explodes when I drive on it for some reason-probably because of the lack of actual wheels or treads. My test run pretty much completely devastated the KSC, with no damage to the Rover-Thing.
  19. If you have trouble launching on only demo parts, PM me and I'll send you my Flaming Octopus UHLV -70 tons of payload for 1000~ parts. It's fun to work with a weight limit on ships.
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