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The Space Dino

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Everything posted by The Space Dino

  1. Getting the game now, idk why I'm doing this to my poor old computer Probably just going to delete another game after this.
  2. This is definitely an interesting concept, although if anything went wrong with something like the refuelling mission to keep the craft in its Earth-Mars slingshot trajectory, it would basically be done for unless you went crash course, as in The Martian. Only attempt this if you are human. Kerbals only make it work once or twice and soon it will find itself in solar orbit.
  3. I'm considering War Thunder, but I'm afraid due to duct tape computer and my experiences of "game balance" with WoT Plus it's going to take me FOREVER to download it
  4. Well, I'm no American, in fact I live halfway around the world from the USA so I'm able to do this post before any of people from America is awake So, happy 4th of July to whoever here on the forums lives in America!
  5. I can't stop myself from laughing at this one.... I do remember building a cargo plane that apparently broke Mach 1 when it reached the sea. Oh, and my SSTO (Sinking Stage To Orbit) prototypes can unintentionally recover from a unintentional flat spin.
  6. I can't even build a plane. The only stunt I have done is permanently holding down the S key and letting my plane lift off. When I release the S key the plane eats Soil.
  7. At mine people are just (literally) talking about random stuff. Somehow History can turn into black holes, I blame Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Btw I don't like it when people just can't understand arrows in games. Are humans really that stupid? Has my theory of humans being retarded monkeys been proven Also @NSEP why is your description is now the name on the dinosaur on my profile picture....(not that I really care too much anyway)
  8. I wait for 8 more minutes for KSP to reload, but somehow it has decreased to 2-3 mins recently. Computer exercise confirmed.
  9. Dang, the new Kerbal trend is hanging from a ladder on a plane. I hear someone is attempting it on a reentering rocket.
  10. You know what, I might as well botch this challenge. A design fault on my Moho craft appeared, so i reloaded the quicksave. Guess what, dinosaurs are dinosaurs. The last time I did a quicksave was when Jeb was coming back from the Sun science mission. So that's what my save is on now. Oh well, I guess I'll try to do another easier challenge (psst @Jetski think of an easy yet hard one) .
  11. Congrats @zanie420 for completing the challenge! In your time all I've done is Kerbin and Sun science.... I might have to (literally) wait until next year to complete this. Hope there will still be contesters by then. May no Muns make this thread live
  12. Been away for the weekend, trying to squeeze in that Moho mission
  13. Your progress is just absolutely amazing, although I haven't been able to find much time to play recently to make some progress
  14. @zanie420 you are progressing at the speed of light, literally Now that I think of it I don't want to give up on this challenge, but this is going to literally take me months to complete
  15. Wow @zanie420 you have lightspeed progress, you're making me lazy to complete this challenge... Meanwhile using the hour or two I have my Moho design isn't going well..
  16. That's lots and lots of science! I've been playing more than ever before but I'm already behind you haha Thanks @Jetski for that guide! Moho is the hardest planet to get to anyway Meanwhile I shall follow @zanie420 and your science collecting skills to farm everything, although I have a trick up my sleeve hehehehehehehehe
  17. Ohh so your flyby only took 5k m/s? Well I certainly freaked myself out, I designed a rocket with TWICE as much delta v haha But the launch pad doesn't want to launch it anyway When my craft goes to Moho I'll do tons of tourist contracts for funds in the meantime
  18. Update: Forget Duna, I have a Moho encounter. I have the adequate parts to get a Kerbal there (probably Jeb) but one big hitch, I know how to do interplanetary transfer, but I have no idea how to get to Moho. @Jetski you've already done a Moho mission, any tips? Btw I can still unlock some extra nodes, about to launch a hop out of Kerbin SOI and back
  19. In my years of school so far I've only met 2 people that actually played KSP, although one of them is a 50/50 whether they actually really know the game or not.... But basically the spacey and physics stuff involved is hard for people to like, as it actually took me years to learn how to get to orbit But keep in mind that I only played KSP a few time a year only
  20. I'm actually doing this on 1.0.5, becuase Ike too lazy to update lol, but to make it fair becuase 1.3 has relays, I will not be launching any probes and all the ships will be Kerbaled. Now that's hard, I've never sent a Kerbal interplanetary before... That Moho ship, just by looking at it I know it has craptons of delta v Oh and actually I have got both the basic 2.5 tanks and the skipper engine, a couple SRBs will be enough to boost it. By the looks of it I have a Duna launch window coming up and I'm planning to send a Kerbal there, and probably use some funky way to get him/her back
  21. What? Which is the best engine? This is Kerbal Space Program, we simply just ADD MOAR BOOSTERS Although on a serious note I don't really have too much experience, but for 1.5m I generally use the Swivel, if you want something fancier asparagus staging with a mix of Reliants and Swivels are good. For orbital stuff LV-909 just use it it's so good.... For 2.5 a Skipper with 2 Thumpers seem to be a good choice, although I'm still working on getting more control over the thing, it's kinda unstable
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