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The Space Dino

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Everything posted by The Space Dino

  1. Me: tries to install the stuff in the OP. Computer: AHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO *splatter* *splatter* *sput* *ploof* *screen blacks out* *smoke appears* Me: i3 computer with Dell graphics card life... *brings fire extinguisher*
  2. Welcome @A425! (Oh hey, the Kerbal profile pic is back!)
  3. Even Wernher must be scratching his head at this...
  4. 1600x900, but it's an i3. Somehow after building bigger and laggier rockets my game appears to be running faster apparently.
  5. When did he want to go to space? Sekrit Soviet moon station?!
  6. Because psychology everyone is going to like the current layout eventually anyway.
  7. Good concept, although it is probably possible to get Alphinists who are scientists too. You should check out Robert Zubrin's work on a Mars mission, mainly saving lots of money by making fuel on Mars itself, so the Emerald refueling missions will be not needed, instead stuffing a relatively small hydrogen tank (a component needed to make the fuel) and what the game calls an ISRU and there you have saved millions. Although for your landing site this might not be practical due to the atmospheric pressure (the process to make fuel requires taking CO2 out of the atmosphere).
  8. I remember I got an older version of a mod but it didn't work...
  9. Yayy! Looking forward to MOAR chapters! I already lost count how far I read... I wanted to make some sort of Thomoberry probe in my career actaully but it was too heavy and would doom the mission I planned to put him/it on. Well, we still can't forget what he did, can we? Even the game says so
  10. I once attempted to build a plane using career mode parts, it looks normal, but it's hobby is to nosedive into the ground when I'm smashing the S key
  11. As I have 1.0.5 now, (I'm too lazy to update it) are there any mods that I can still get their older versions? Thanks
  12. First career save- no quicksave enabled. Doesn't seem like a problem, right? But when you consider I failed a Mun mission 5 times and on the 5th time stranded Val in Mun orbit (due to some bug propelling her away from the lander) yeah.... I managed a minmus landing with Val again but I toppled over and realised I had no f9 to get it back up... I accidentally hit Z, and well, I guess you should know what happened next...
  13. ...and the jar time traveled to somewhere over the rainbow...
  14. I find it fun to challenge myself to build a plane from career mode parts and try to fly it. The pilot and the plane were hopelessly doomed from the start.
  15. Okay, out of curiosity I decided to read from the start. A total of a couple of hours later... I have dragged myself to chapter 50 and my device is now really laggy. God, @Just Jim your stories are as unstoppable as Thompberry himself... Okay, time for me to jump into my bed and try to see what I can extract from reading your dark heart of a story Back to my own 'verse I go!
  16. Read a bit of Chapter 86, which is my first time reading this series actaully but.... Earth? Earth?! Holy moly, plus whatever is going on Earth with witches and stuff like that and someone dying and Emiko being mentioned everywhere. @Just Jim, you have just obliterated my mind so many times over I not sure whether I can piece it back together again. *looks at own story again* Okay, plot destroying twist soon it is.
  17. Oh, an interesting challenge that I can do without failing hard. Will give it a go with my horrid plane skills...
  18. I'm not sure where to post this so mods if this is in the wrong section just shove it there. Would like to ask will there be any issues if I put my fan-fiction story up on a website apart from the forums? The only part(s) that's Kerbal is that the characters in the story are all Kerbals. As for illustrations I might include Kerbals in them. Thanks
  19. You know what, I might as well watch this every time I want to play KSP but don't feel like it for some reason.
  20. Awesome pics! Wonder when an eclipse will happen in my area... (phew I haven't run out of likes yet)
  21. When you're on the opposite side of the world...
  22. Take your time, it takes quite a while to come up with chapters. You deserve a break
  23. I find it a challenge to keep all my rockets stable, especially with the limited parts in career mode. Gotta blame my bad piloting skills for that.
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