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  1. The previous bug where you could not name ships with the letter M is now when you name workshop items. I've seen this happen to me twice, so it is replicable. Its the bug where pressing M takes you to the map
  2. I have had this problem for a while now. How do you name a ship thats not called "first ship" or BOOM other than online genorators? Thanks.
  3. Ever run out of ideas for ship names? Well I've done the work for you! I've curated a list of 400+ ship names Obviously the google docs version is easier to read but I didn't wanna make this post 11 pages long Timey’s Amazing ship name list Acropolis,Adamant,Adirondack,Aether,Agrius,Aion,Aken,Akira,Albany,Alborz,Allegheny,Altai,Amargosa,Ambassador,Ammit,Amun,Amunet,Anake,Andes,Angara,Anhur,Ankara,Annamite,Anubis,Anuket,Apache,Apennines,Apep,Aphrodite,Apis,Apollo,Aquarius,Arachne,Aravalli,Archer,Archeron,Ares,Argos,Argyll,Artemis,Artful,Ascension,Ashigaru,Aspire,Astana,Asteria,Astraeus,Astute,Athena,Atlantia,Atlatlist,Aura,Avanchinsky,Avenger,Azul,Bakha,Bakossi,Baku,Balkan,Ballista,Bastet,Belgrade,Bellicose,Bendeleben,Bern,Berserk,Bishop,Blackbird,Blazer,Blenheim,Blizzard,Bratislava,Bucharest,Cairngorm,Caraballo,Carpathia,Cataphract,Cederberg,Celestial,Celestra,Cerberus,Ceres,Cerro,Chandra,Chthonius,Clachnacuddin,Clymene,Coeurd’Alene,Coeus,Columbia,Conquistador,Constellation,Constitution,Cotopaxi,Cottian,Crimea,Crius,Cronus,Crossfield,Curiosity,Cyclone,Daidalos,Danube,Daring,Darter,Dasher,Dauntless,Dauphine,Dedun,Defender,Defiance,Demeter,Devastator,Dione,Dionysus,Discovery,Dragonfly,Dreadnaught,Dromon,Durham,Dzhugdzhur,Eagle,Earhart,Elkhorn,Endeavour,Endurance,Enterprise,Entoto,Eos,Epimetheus,Erebus,Euclid,Eurybia,Eurynome,Excelsior,Falcon,Fearless,Firebolt,Fletcher,Frankfort,Gaia,Galactica,Galaxy,Galeras,Galileo,Gaugamela,Genesis,Giraud,Gladiator,Gorgon,Grossglockner,Hades,Halsey,Haraz,Hathor,Hatmehit,Havoc,Heka,Helios,Hellcat,Hemera,Heqet,Hera,Hermes,Hersir,Hesat,Hestia,Horus,Hoxha,Hubble,Hussar,Hwach’a,Hwarang,Hydra,Hyperion,Imhotep,Impi,Independence,Inquisitor,Intrepid,Invincible,Irazu,Jaguar,Janus,Jarl,Jawaijaya,Juno,Jupitor,Kaishek,Kamnik,Karakoram,Karelides,Karwendel,Kebechet,Kelut,Kelvin,Kepler,Kern,Keshik,Khensit,Khepri,Khingan,Khonsu,Kigluaik,Kilauea,Kipengere,Kirthar,Kjolen,Krakatoa,Kulun,Kuray,Laboon,Lancer,Lapetus,Lebombo,Lelantos,Liberty,Ligurian,Lisbon,Lithium,Loki,Loyal,Luna,Maat,Magaliesberg,Magellen,Mahale,Mandara,Mandekalu,Manticore,Marauder,Mars,MaunaLoa,Menhit,Menoetius,Mercury,Mercy,Meretseger,MeruMati,Meskhenet,Metaurus,Metis,Minerva,Minotaur,Misquah,Mnemosyne,Mnevis,Monaco,Montpelier,Munificent,Nebula,Nehebkau,Nekhbet,Nemesis,Nephthys,Neptune,Newton,Nimitz,Nova,Nyx,Oberth,Oceanus,Odin,Odysseus,Ogo,Olympia,Onward,Ophion,Orion,Orleans,Ortler,Osiris,Oslo,Osogovo,Ouachita,Ourea,Outeniqua,Overlord,Pacifica,Pallas,Pamir,Panacea,Parliament,Pathfinder,Pawnee,Pegasus,Pelta,Pelter,Perses,Perseverance,Phalanx,Phanes,Phobos,Phoenix,Pinatubo,Pioneer,Podgorica,Pontus,Popocatepetl,Posidenon,Prometheus,Providence,Prowler,Pultowa,Puncher,Pyrenees,Qetest,Qin,Ra,Raider,Rainer,Rainier,Ranger,Raptor,Ratikon,Raven,Recusant,Renpet,Resolute,Revenant,Reykjavik,Rhea,Rhino,Rigel,Rosetta,Rwenzori,Rycon,Sabre,Sakurajima,Salamander,Saratoga,Saturn,Scorcher,Scorpion,Seawolf,Seker,Sekhmet,Selene,Sentry,Serapis,Serket,SierraMadre,Siphani,Skopje,Slinger,Sobjk,Solaria,Soyuz,Spartan,Spearhead,Stanovoi,Stomper,Styx,Sumava,Swartberg,Taal,Talon,Tambora,Tartarus,Tbilisi,Temis,Tempest,Tenenet,Tercio,Tethys,Thalassa,Thanatos,Theia,Thor,Thunder,Thunderbolt,TianShan,Ticonderoga,Tirana,Toa,TobaKakar,Topeka,Trident,Triton,Triumph,Twilight,Udzungwa,Ulawun,Uluguru,Undine,Unzen,Usambara,Vaduz,Valiant,Valkyrie,Valorient,Vanguard,Venator,Vengeance,Venus,Victory,Vigilant,Vilnius,Viper,Vulcan,Vulture,Warrior,Wasp,Yashuman,Yerevan,Zagros,Zeus
  4. please give me ship ideas and I will try to make them
  5. [Beta testers needed!] You, the up-and-coming author of the Forums, are writing the next Great Kerbal Novel. Only problem is, you can't think of any names! Perhaps you turn to your favorite name-generator, only to find that it has died off or does not support female names! The Great Kerbal Novel will be a flop without inventive, non-Jeb names. What a tragedy! Does this describe you? For you, dear customer, we have the perfect thing: KSPNameGen! With KSPNameGen, generate up to 2^63-1 kerbal names at a time*! Male or female! And, should you wish to write a work in the Kerbae ad Astra storyweb, or simply throw off the oppressive chains of the Kerman surname, generate diverse surnames with the Future option! KSPNameGen is a joint project between myself [0111narwhalz] and @TotallyNotHuman_. Its only requirement is a piano with a few black keys**. How to use: 1. Download (below) 2. Extract 3. Run KSPNameGen.exe 4. Specify desired gender, surname type, and name count via the menu. 5. Get back to writing! [Download] (source included) Changelog: 0.3.0 * Added flag-parsing 0.2.1 * Added Makefile for Unix-like OSes 0.2.0 * Much improved interface * Added ability to write to file 0.1.3 * Added customization of buffer size when run in non-interactive mode 0.1.2 * Optimizations for large quantities of names 0.1.1 * Command line arguments 0.1.0 * Initial Public Release 0.1.0-rc3: * Fixed bug in which 0 names would be generated when "0" was specified 0.1.0-rc2: * Nuked unnecessary whitespace * Nuked Help() nonsense * Refactored types to suit their role * Refactored variable names * Added help array to replace Help() function (see above) 0.1.0-rc1: * Rebuilt in C# *Generation of billions of names not recommended. **Db pianos not supported.
  6. "DuckdischNick" isn't verry funny and also doesn't relate to Sputnik vocally. It's one of those words that really stand out because they don't fit and sound forced. I would like to suggest to rename it to "Spucknet". It's vocally related to Sputnik and means "don't spit". It also has "net" in it wich in this case could also be short for "Netz" and relates to telecommunications wich also relates to satelites.
  7. I copied the micronode, it's cfg and it's .mu and dds to a separate nested directory in 'GameData' to experiment with and I haven't gotten off to a very good start. It appears I am not as capable as I thought. I have changed the name and I changed the title and description after the '=' sign. While the 'new' part shows up in my game along with the original, neither the title nor description has changed to the ones in edited cfg. What am I not seeing?
  8. I threw this name together, and i don't really like it. however i have no other ideas. please give input.
  9. hi everyone i am lordbescot how are you
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