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Found 10 results

  1. I got 2 methods. 1. Just put a letter before 1 for the first one, then put 2 instead of 1 after the letter for the second one... boring route. 2. Name it either after an Egyptian god, Greek god or just think of a random word off the top of your head and hope it doesn't mean "lol it failed". That's how I got the AR-1 Commodore and the BR-1 Frog. It just needs to sound cool. What do you guys do?
  2. Ever run out of ideas for ship names? Well I've done the work for you! I've curated a list of 400+ ship names Obviously the google docs version is easier to read but I didn't wanna make this post 11 pages long Timey’s Amazing ship name list Acropolis,Adamant,Adirondack,Aether,Agrius,Aion,Aken,Akira,Albany,Alborz,Allegheny,Altai,Amargosa,Ambassador,Ammit,Amun,Amunet,Anake,Andes,Angara,Anhur,Ankara,Annamite,Anubis,Anuket,Apache,Apennines,Apep,Aphrodite,Apis,Apollo,Aquarius,Arachne,Aravalli,Archer,Archeron,Ares,Argos,Argyll,Artemis,Artful,Ascension,Ashigaru,Aspire,Astana,Asteria,Astraeus,Astute,Athena,Atlantia,Atlatlist,Aura,Avanchinsky,Avenger,Azul,Bakha,Bakossi,Baku,Balkan,Ballista,Bastet,Belgrade,Bellicose,Bendeleben,Bern,Berserk,Bishop,Blackbird,Blazer,Blenheim,Blizzard,Bratislava,Bucharest,Cairngorm,Caraballo,Carpathia,Cataphract,Cederberg,Celestial,Celestra,Cerberus,Ceres,Cerro,Chandra,Chthonius,Clachnacuddin,Clymene,Coeurd’Alene,Coeus,Columbia,Conquistador,Constellation,Constitution,Cotopaxi,Cottian,Crimea,Crius,Cronus,Crossfield,Curiosity,Cyclone,Daidalos,Danube,Daring,Darter,Dasher,Dauntless,Dauphine,Dedun,Defender,Defiance,Demeter,Devastator,Dione,Dionysus,Discovery,Dragonfly,Dreadnaught,Dromon,Durham,Dzhugdzhur,Eagle,Earhart,Elkhorn,Endeavour,Endurance,Enterprise,Entoto,Eos,Epimetheus,Erebus,Euclid,Eurybia,Eurynome,Excelsior,Falcon,Fearless,Firebolt,Fletcher,Frankfort,Gaia,Galactica,Galaxy,Galeras,Galileo,Gaugamela,Genesis,Giraud,Gladiator,Gorgon,Grossglockner,Hades,Halsey,Haraz,Hathor,Hatmehit,Havoc,Heka,Helios,Hellcat,Hemera,Heqet,Hera,Hermes,Hersir,Hesat,Hestia,Horus,Hoxha,Hubble,Hussar,Hwach’a,Hwarang,Hydra,Hyperion,Imhotep,Impi,Independence,Inquisitor,Intrepid,Invincible,Irazu,Jaguar,Janus,Jarl,Jawaijaya,Juno,Jupitor,Kaishek,Kamnik,Karakoram,Karelides,Karwendel,Kebechet,Kelut,Kelvin,Kepler,Kern,Keshik,Khensit,Khepri,Khingan,Khonsu,Kigluaik,Kilauea,Kipengere,Kirthar,Kjolen,Krakatoa,Kulun,Kuray,Laboon,Lancer,Lapetus,Lebombo,Lelantos,Liberty,Ligurian,Lisbon,Lithium,Loki,Loyal,Luna,Maat,Magaliesberg,Magellen,Mahale,Mandara,Mandekalu,Manticore,Marauder,Mars,MaunaLoa,Menhit,Menoetius,Mercury,Mercy,Meretseger,MeruMati,Meskhenet,Metaurus,Metis,Minerva,Minotaur,Misquah,Mnemosyne,Mnevis,Monaco,Montpelier,Munificent,Nebula,Nehebkau,Nekhbet,Nemesis,Nephthys,Neptune,Newton,Nimitz,Nova,Nyx,Oberth,Oceanus,Odin,Odysseus,Ogo,Olympia,Onward,Ophion,Orion,Orleans,Ortler,Osiris,Oslo,Osogovo,Ouachita,Ourea,Outeniqua,Overlord,Pacifica,Pallas,Pamir,Panacea,Parliament,Pathfinder,Pawnee,Pegasus,Pelta,Pelter,Perses,Perseverance,Phalanx,Phanes,Phobos,Phoenix,Pinatubo,Pioneer,Podgorica,Pontus,Popocatepetl,Posidenon,Prometheus,Providence,Prowler,Pultowa,Puncher,Pyrenees,Qetest,Qin,Ra,Raider,Rainer,Rainier,Ranger,Raptor,Ratikon,Raven,Recusant,Renpet,Resolute,Revenant,Reykjavik,Rhea,Rhino,Rigel,Rosetta,Rwenzori,Rycon,Sabre,Sakurajima,Salamander,Saratoga,Saturn,Scorcher,Scorpion,Seawolf,Seker,Sekhmet,Selene,Sentry,Serapis,Serket,SierraMadre,Siphani,Skopje,Slinger,Sobjk,Solaria,Soyuz,Spartan,Spearhead,Stanovoi,Stomper,Styx,Sumava,Swartberg,Taal,Talon,Tambora,Tartarus,Tbilisi,Temis,Tempest,Tenenet,Tercio,Tethys,Thalassa,Thanatos,Theia,Thor,Thunder,Thunderbolt,TianShan,Ticonderoga,Tirana,Toa,TobaKakar,Topeka,Trident,Triton,Triumph,Twilight,Udzungwa,Ulawun,Uluguru,Undine,Unzen,Usambara,Vaduz,Valiant,Valkyrie,Valorient,Vanguard,Venator,Vengeance,Venus,Victory,Vigilant,Vilnius,Viper,Vulcan,Vulture,Warrior,Wasp,Yashuman,Yerevan,Zagros,Zeus
  3. So, recently, in my new sandbox save, I'm reaching a point where there are multiple "entities", and I'm playing all of them. So then, I got into the idea of different names for each "country", and I came up with these: Kerman States - Kerman (Analogous to US) CCKP (Communist Confederation of Von Kerman Peoples) - Von Kerman (Analogous to Soviet Union, Russian, Ukraine, etc.) McKerman Kingdom - McKerman (Analogous to UK) KerbeX - Kerman (Analogous to SpaceX and Blue Origin and all that good stuff, basically the private companies) Currently, though, I've gotten to the point that the McKermans are building their own Space Station (As they've been excluded from the KISS mostly because of a lack of an extra Clamp-O-Tron Jr.) However, the 'French' Kerbals are also looking to start spaceflight and collab with the McKermans... but I can't think of a name. Help. Ones thought of by others: Kermany - Kermann @kerbiloid Karthage - Kerbaal @kerbiloid CCKP - Kermanski @eatU4myT
  4. I usually go with Greek gods and other ancient mythologies for rocket and/or spacecraft names. Here are some: - Artemis II Heavy Rocket - Osiris IV Medium Rocket - Hercules Crew Pod - Phoenix Mun Lander - Icarus Rescue Capsule - Atlas Duna Landing Vehicle - Capricorn Eve Ascent Rocket Anybody got something better? I'd like to hear them.
  5. Would you like to sign up to have your name on a CGI plaque in Saturn's orbit? Reply : "Consider me in!". If you have any suggestions,, feel free to tell me! Common questions: -How does this work? "If you participate, your name will appear on the Plaque, under the "Thank you" heading inside of the black rectangle. If you want, you can have your own custom color and font." The image will be updated every time someone requests/we reach 2 new names on the plaque. Additional info : -RESOLUTION : for now, it's 1024x1024. You can request any resolution you like (if my computer can handle it). PREVIEW: PS: The preview image is low quality because of embedded image quality restrictions. The final product will be just fine.
  6. Hi all, I was bored, and decided to look at the KSP credits. For example, I found out that a SQUAD staff's forum username was derived from the first letter of their first name and their last name. I also had fun looking at the names, with some of them having a forum username next to them. It's very interesting!
  7. Today I rescued.... Princess Leia Show us a screenshot of your celebrity rescues.
  8. Hello @SQUAD! I would like to suggest an addition to the names. The name is Karsten. That is my name Irl, and it also fits with the kerbal “k” theme. I would much appreciate that addition, and think it would add a great personal touch to the game. Thanks! also, my last name starts with a k, too, but sadly it’s not Kerman.
  9. Currently several lifesupport mods exist which is great. The user can choose by himself/herself whatever lifesupport mod most coïncides with his/her wishes. What is not so great is that every LS mod uses it's own resources. Take Food. In another mod it's called KolonySupplies, in a third N.O.M.S. My request to all LFS developers is to standardise resource names so parts of different mods can become interchangable.
  10. Have some ideas for cool aircraft and spacecraft names or are in need of inspiration? Post here! Personally, I'm running out of things to call my fighter jets and cargo planes. Suggestions are appreciated. (Note to moderators--If this thread is in the wrong place, feel free to move it to the appropriate forum.)
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