this is gonna be a hard one to explain because I have no idea what's causing the issue
whenever i'm landed on a planet (besides kerbin) or in reasonable proximity to one I get extremely low framerates, this is made even more confusing by the fact that I get 60+ fps on kerbin and that it only seems to effect manned landers
when I turned all the surface scatter and surface textures down to minimum the problem persisted
i'm not even sure that its a mod causing this issue because the issue persisted even after I had uninstalled all visual mods that directly effected planets
the only two remaining are planetshine and distant object enhancement which when turned off, don't fix the problem
my PC is fairly powerful and was able to run ksp perfectly fine in the past
its an i5 cpu with an nvidia 1050ti
the game isn't unplayable, but a fairly large part of it is due to this
if anyone has any ideas (as to what might cause it) or questions ill try to get back as soon as possible
thanks for your time, and even bothering to read this