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Everything posted by Example

  1. man and i just got off the hype train for 1.2 and now a new one comes along
  2. im sure your correct but its still playable for me atleast, dont notice any lag and the flickering i got at 64 was unbearable. Hope you figure out the issue soon though and thanks for your awesome mod. I can check the fps for you if that helps in any way with troubleshooting it.
  3. changing the scatterer value from 64 to 256 fixed the flickering ocean for me.
  4. Thank you that fixed it. Got out 6 km to the left before i rolled over and could only get 1,5 before, then tried another direction and got 3,4km before rolling over so it looks like it fixed it. Thanks again for your help
  5. OK so i tested with freashy downloaded kerbal, ssrss, 8k and 4k textures and both sigma developer and sigma release. Still got the issue. No mods. Can i ask if you quicksaved along the way? Cause i got tired when testing all combos and tried saving 1km out from the ship so i wouldnt have to drive so far. Then i suddenly got out too 2,5km before falling into mars and explode. Then i tried saving every km out to 3km, then drove 1,5km witout saving and exploded at about 4,5km out from the ship. So it looks like i explode everytime im about 1,5km from the last save. Also tried with and without the biome maps, and with and without the optinal rss textures supplied. I have all my graphic settings maxed out but tried with the scatteres setting maxed out and with the scatterer setting included.
  6. ok ill try reinstalling and getting everything fresh, but only mods i have apart from those supplied are ker, mj ,realplume, navhud and texturereplacer. . so i cant really figure out how they would be an issue . Thanks for your work on this mod so far though its very awesome
  7. ok here is my dropbox link with the log and the save, just alt f9 and select the one called "landed on mars all science in pods". Its was made in an earlier version of ssrss so your rover will load underground but it comes up. So far ive tried going straight forward with the rover with the kerbals and i got 2 km out before i fell through the ground, going left and backwards i only made it out to 1,5/1.6 km https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7a22peca892wxc5/AAAGX6H-o8thtR66HA8LoLTZa?dl=0
  8. My rover on mars still falls through the ground, added pic to show exact location http://postimg.org/image/bjkh6pj1n/
  9. yes i also had that issue on mars and it would be awesome if we could actually use rovers
  10. the install is easy enough just follow the instructions in the readme, and ignore the info on the first page about requiring rss, you only need the textures as it says in the readme. Still curious if any others have tried rovers on mars yet? Am i the only one with rovers falling into the ground exploding?
  11. Well good luck with that, my two cents as a beginner think its worth the extra delta v just for conveniance
  12. had a similar problem with earlier versions of ssrss. You sure your on the latest version?, should be a 600+mb zip. Before the latest update i needed the real solar systems folder in my gamedata to get a usable timewarp. Now everything works fine except thefalling trough mars
  13. well i tested my rover at KSC first and didnt have any problems there either. Has anybody tried rovers at any bodies except earth? Just tested at the moon didnt have any issues there
  14. went to mars without mechjeb and your right about taking extra delta v, i just followed kerbal alarm clocks transfer windows and played with manouver nodes until i hit it. think i used about 2k to get there, maybe 300-500 to land, around 2000 to get to orbit and rendevous with the return ship. then 2200 to get back to earth. Had some issued with my rovers though. They fell through the ground when i got around 1,5km from my lander, tried going towards the south pole(landed near it) then i tried going the opposite way and i fell through the ground again so i just left. I think you can do alot better on delta v though since my inclination from earth to duna was way off and the same on the return. Returned from a poler orbit.
  15. So i finally landed on mars today, but experienced a small problem. I landed close to the south pole with a rover and was driving towards it for science when my rover just fell through the ground, the rover disappeared along with two of the three kerbals onboard.
  16. changin one of the values on the startup settings window for scattering to max fixed the flickering for me, i set it to 256 i think.
  17. Is mechjeb able to calculate interplanetary tranfsers? I just assumed the changed inclinations with mess it up. Also a version nr somewhere in the zip or name would help people be sure they have the latest version
  18. Awesome, looking forward to testing tomorrow. Your mod is taking visual mods to a new level. Is the timewarp fixed too?
  19. hmm i just deleted realsolar system folder and now i cannot warp faster them 50x even at 700k, but maybe there is something wrong with my install i also needed a ghost3 file to get the sunflair to work with the new scatterer. Downloading ssrss again just to make sure i have the latest version Edit: Still the same without real solar folder i only get 50x warp out to out to almost somewere between a third and halfway to the moon then i get 100x timewarp , with the folder in get 1000x, get 1000x at 110k too but i can live with that
  20. i needed real solar system to get timewarp to work correctly
  21. Where do you change the timewarp limits, i only have 100 when im halfway from moon and it takes a while to go just to high space, says something like i cant timewarp faster under 24500000 or something like that. maybe a zero to much or to less
  22. Looks very good here too now thats the flickering is gone, love your sunflair
  23. I turned on ocean lights compability put it to 256, turned on godrays, and turned off and on ocean accurate sky reflection a couble of times and all the flickering seems like its gone. But i still cant timewarp when im under 140k, do i have the wrong dev version of sigma? And contracts would be cool i hope you have luck on your endavours rickkermen, for now im gonna try my first science career. Thanks again for mod looks awesome. But i assume all transfer windows planners like the one in kerbal alarm clock and mechjeb dont work here because of the changed inclinations? Edit: My bad space is at 100k
  24. I installed scatterer first one time but copied the entire ssrss folder over last so stock scatterer files was probably replaced. Should i try stock scatterer?
  25. First of all great mod looks very awesome in the screens, been following this thread like a hawk waiting for the dl link to become available. But im getting flickering when i scroll while looking at the building? is this normal or have i done something wrong. Also on the first page of this thread it says you need the three mods kopernicus, rss and sigma, but in the readme it just says you need the textures from rss and the developer version of sigma. Scatterer is included in the download but it says that it is a recommended mod and distant objects also looks like its already there. Which of these do i have to install myself? Thomassino's Sunflares, Distant Object Enhancement, Planet Shine and Scatterer? Only have physwarp at 80k and the crew report says im in upper atmosphere but my apo and peri stays the same so i think im in space.
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