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Everything posted by tncm

  1. Am I the only one getting really bad quality? It is really poppy, and bad... Edit: So the way it seems is that the GUI makes the music poppy. But when you press F2 and go into cinematic mode (No GUI) It is of good quality. What do you think OP?
  2. Thanks, the problem was fixed when I followed these instructions by Delvar: make sure you create the directory KSP\PluginData\musicplayer then in there create a file music.cfg edit the file in notepad++ then each line is a separate mp3 each line has 2 sections, 1. the full path tho the mp3 2. a short name that shows up in game, these are separated with a ~. Code: C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\2001 A Space Odyssey Opening.mp3~2001 C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\David Bowie - Space Oddity (stereo version).mp3~SpaceOddity C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\Enterprise Theme Song.mp3~Enterprise C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video).mp3~FinalCountdown C:\Users\Delvar\Desktop\KSP Music\frank sinatra fly me to the moon.mp3~FlyMeToTheMoon hope this helps someone. It helped me! Also, you can find the function to copy a path by Shift+Right click on Windows. Hope this helps someone
  3. This does not work for me at all. I put the parts in parts, the plugins in plugins, but the boombox on my craft, launched and nothing shows up. I also cannot find the editor.exe file.
  4. Very cool... but the gravity sure does feel to be less than 0.78. It does feel more like the .4 you were referencing. ???
  5. Lol, that render looks silly, in a good way I will get to work on that trailer. I will also follow updates as I see a lot in the future of this mod!
  6. How would you feel if I made an official trailer for this mod?
  7. Someone does need to test that... but I think it will be in the middle.
  8. Maybe you could use struts. They\'re uber small and fit in with a rocket. Just make them 10 and 1 like Dragon said and everyone can balance how they like!
  9. Just a quick question. What do you use for your 3D modelling?
  10. Can\'t wait for some updates on this mod! Looks really REALLY nice so far! Very well done.
  11. Awesome, looks amazing, going to make a video about it right now!
  12. Cool! Just a question... how can we make these longer?
  13. If anyone needs help with setting up their orbital rendezvous, they can eyeball, or use the scientific method that I show. Hope you like it!!
  14. Very interesting. I\'ve had the same troubles in landing it and haven\'t though of the sky crane idea. Bravo to the guys at Nasa and to you! 8)
  15. Squad, how are you doing? Lot\'s of earthquakes today...
  16. It\'s pretty big enough for me. Unless your making some uber wide rocket or a space station (unimplemented) I\'m happy with it for now. But I\'m pretty sure that eventually we will be able to choose form different launch sites and, evidently, different launch pads or even different VAB\'s. Plenty of potential even on the ground in this game!
  17. Yes! Set up your telescope bases on the far away stars and they would work like the map view. Zoom out, see where the different planets are, then zoom in on them as necessary. Your very own telescope array on a distant moon of a tiny planet. I likw! 8)
  18. tncm

    Mun Base

    Looking good. What you could do is get your Cart and throw some Mun rocks on the rockets to bring home! Roleplaying FTW!
  19. It looks like a very stable craft, and gratz on getting it to the moon. But regarding the precise throttle control I couldn\'t agree more. Sometimes you need to even out Ap Pa without RCS and it can be incredibly hard. I would love precise control on throttle too. Maybe pressing TAB will lock it much like CAPS for controls. TAB should also be assigned to RCS, unlike the current CAPS.
  20. All right, I\'ll dig into the archives to find the old one. Thanks for the support, and sorry for the alarm.
  21. It doesn\'t work for me . The desc. says it is not available in my version of ksp... 14.4 modded? Any ideas?
  22. What program do you guys use for the 3D mapping, and how I could I (a noob) start to do this? Eventually we may map the entire Mun!
  23. tncm


    Bravo on that rendezvous and welcome to the forums!
  24. tncm


    Welcome! Always nice to see an interest in these games. Have fun and try not to be too much of a sadistic KerbalKiller.
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