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Everything posted by quitessa

  1. Only 10 craft? Have a look at EJ_SA's bases, often upwards of 30
  2. So as an alternative to the [ ] craft switching in scene, can we get the option to right click a craft in view and "Switch To" like in Map View? The amount of times I've had a craft explode because when I was trying to switch from it to another withing the physics range and accidentally switched to one outside of that range...
  3. So as an alternative to the [ ] craft switching in scene, can we get the option to right click a craft in view and "Switch To" like in Map View? The amount of times I've had a craft explode because when I was trying to switch from it to another withing the physics range and accidentally switched to one outside of that range...
  4. I mean I'd be happy to pay for a DLC that has gears, bearings and suchlike. Shut up and take my money!
  5. Oh I'm all too aware you can make bearings in stock, I'm somewhat of a bearing specialist (same username on kerbalx.com). That's why I was hoping to get some gear parts so that I (and other stock machina creators) could create even more complex and wonderful things that anyone could use without having to have to install any mods etc.
  6. Like 8, 16, 32 tooth gears and maybe a worm gear too? So that stock "Krakentech" can become more complex and allow us to do more insane things with more reliability and less partcount?
  7. Sorry it took so long to respond Nertea. I have DefiantZombies Collide-O-Scope to help make sure I don't run into collision box issues with dockingports etc. I accidentally switched on the mod on a Large Ventral MK4 Bay and was amazed at the collision boxes for the bey doors, they were massively longer than the bay itself, and there were also long collision boxes on the top as well. I then checked the other MK4 parts and found similar issues on all the cargobays and the Passenger Bay. These extra collision boxes may be what's causing all the drag issues. See attached Imgur Album to demonstrate
  8. Have you guys looked at the parts with DefiantZombie's Collide-O-Scope? The Cargobays wireframes are Massively Longer than the actual cargobays.
  9. I'd like to add some ideas about the action groups. 1. Could we have an extra ui bar that can be minimised like the navball that has the custom action groups as buttons within it? Below the Navball'd probably be favorite. 2. Could we then "Nickname" the custom action groups so that when you hover over the AG button it hovers a text box with the AG Nickname you give it ie, nickname AG-1 Turbines, AG-2 Rockets, AG-3 Nuke, AG-4 Spoilers, AG-5 Drill, AG-6 Refine so AG1 is toggle atmo engines, 2 is toggle rocket/closecycle, 3 toggle nukes, 4 toggle spoilers/airbrakes, 5 deploy drills, radiators, solar/fuelcell 6 Toggle Drilling, Toggle ISRU. etc etc etc ad infinitum I'd like to forward the motion of the idea already posted to edit the action groups mid-flight for when craft dock etc too.
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