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Everything posted by TheKurgan

  1. The Kurgan is going to take "baby steps"... your mods are COOL and complex for a noob like me But if I am lucky, most of it will require little changes... Enemy Mine needed only a recompile.
  2. @wasml Yes, I checked out the original by Crzyrndm and I didn't see the licence, but later found it. like you said GPLv3. So it's ok to change it, and share it. Thanks
  3. Testing the Depth charges. Testing Hedgehogs: Remember the Hedgehogs have a much much lower explosive potential than the depth charges, so it doesn't destroy a sub with one spread, but it WOULD take out mines.
  4. This mod is being continued with permission from @DoctorDavinci Original thread here. I may be attempting to continue other parts of his work in the future. Enemy Mine Please Note that Enemy Mine requires BD Armory Continued v1.2.2.2a or better ... please install the appropriate version for your BDAc version See download links for dependencies posted below Adds Land Mines, Naval Mines, Depth Charges and Hedgehogs to KSP PLEASE NOTE: Land Mines are virtually invisible when deployed (95%opacity) as well as ALL MINES WILL GO OFF REGARDLESS OF TEAM - THEY ARE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY KILLERS Naval and Land Mines can be disarmed ... Land Mine Disarming requires the use of the Mine Detector KIS attachable item ... Do not move faster than 1.5 m/s or the mine will go off Land Mines are virtually invisible ... only way to find and disarm them after deployment is by using a Mine Detector Naval Mines have depth control ... Set the depth you wish them to sit at and they will automatically deploy themselves to that depth after being dropped Naval Mines can be disarmed in the same fashion as the Land Mines as well as being able to be set off via the use of DWI mine Removal Equipment DWI Mine Removal Equipment is used by attaching the "Ring of Death" to an aircraft and flying low across the water All models courtesy of @SpannerMonkey(smce) and are licensed All Rights Reserved Code Build Status License: GPL v3 License Dependencies - BDAc and it's dependency Physics Range Extender NOTE: Only for BDAc or higher! Enemy Mine v0.1.2.2 - Github Enemy Mine v0.1.2.2 - Dropbox
  5. BDAc is a Base for ideas and capability. All those are great ideas, some already exist in other mods, and are extremely unlikely to be part of BDAc.
  6. Don't be sorry... Currently there are over 7.5 billion people in the world... at MINIMUM 5 billion of those don't even know what a sonar is.
  7. Here is where I found it: https://github.com/blackliner/DynamicControls I don't see any licence in there at all... Well... I'm sure if I have done somthing wrong, a moderator will jump in so here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lrnk63i7y11magf/Dynamic Controls.zip?dl=0
  8. Only a sonar can detect subs... I think. Hmm... that gives me an idea to make a sonar beacon! SM Armory has one. Link in my Sig.
  9. Yes, I know the one you are referring to... I was just blown away by that!
  10. Agreed. Some people are just not intelligent enough to know what is involved or put no value in other people's time and effort... or were just not taught basic manners. My bleak opinion of humans is that 45% of people under 30 years old are this way.
  11. Yeah, it's sad really. Some really nice mods have been lost like this
  12. The only alternative is to learn to compile mods yourself... Find someone who is willing to help you (not me, I'm still a novice at Visual Studio) Took me a few days... and a few more grey hair, but I learned enough to compile mods and even update simple things to the newest version of KSP. I'm still learning, but I know enough to be dangerous
  13. Yeah... people who put these type of licences on their mods intentionally do not want other people to continue their work, or update their mods to the newest versions of KSP. MANY cool mods have been lost like this.
  14. The planes falling out of the sky, was because of complete lack of control when "Require Signal for Control" was selected in the game options. Once I turned this off, they were fine... except for the fact that they were still considered "Landed" Well... they weren't FINE.... but they were managing to survive long enough to shoot them lol
  15. @Nightside Thanks for that tip! I found a fork from the original repository that was updated for Authority vs deflection, I recompiled it for 1.5.1, and it works good enough for what I want it for. Cheers!
  16. Hmm... looking at it now. Last update was for 1.3. Going to peek at the source code.
  17. Hello all, I have been creating some extremely fast jets, drones and modular missiles lately, and I was thinking that a mod that could decrease the control surface max deflection, or preferably their authority at high speeds would be awesome. The jets and missiles I have created, some that do almost mach 5 (with ZERO custom parts) , have to have very low authority when doing speeds in excess of mach 1.5, or they explode from g forces when attempting maneuvers... because of this very low authority, they handle like turds at low speeds. I know in reality you would just use less input, but the AI didn't get the memo... Does anyone have the expertise to create such a plugin? My modding skills are definitely not there yet. Thanks. This Modular Missile peaked at mach 4.98
  18. Ah ok I see. Yep proactive, problem solving, self helping people are awesome! I wish there were a LOT more of them
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